Delphi & C++ Builder components library
and Software development

XLS Export, SLK Export, TXT Export

XLS Export, SLK Export and TXT Export are non visual components which provides functionality for generating of XLS, SLK and TXT file directly from any dataset with minimum effort.


XLSExport uses OLE to export data directly do MS Excel or to generate MS Excel file with table of dataset or any other values. Values can be exported as new file, can be added as new sheet in existing file or append as new rows to existing data in sheet. Values can be formatted and file can contain summary row with sum of columns.
XLSExport can be used for generating of XLS file with any data (not only for database).
Any dataset or DBGrid can be exported by one line of code.
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SLKExport generates SLK file with dataset values. Exported values can be formatted (properties DateFormat, NumFormat) and file can contain summary row with sum of columns.
SLK file is standard format for MS Excel and others spreadsheet application, so result can be directly run by Delphi and will be open in associated application (usually in MS Excel).
Any dataset or DBGrid can be exported by one line of code.
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TXTExport generates txt file with dataset values separated by selected separator. File can be used as CSV import format for any spreadsheet application.
Any dataset or DBGrid can be exported by one line of code.
Open documentation page.

Example of XLS Export:

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