Rosi ComponentsUnits Class Hierarchy Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records Types Variables Constants Functions and Procedures Identifiers
Unit rpictool
rpictool unit contains set of graphic functions working with BMP, JPG, PNG and color + gradients.
Updated version compatible with Delphi2010+.
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures
function GetColorList(L: TStrings; AddExtendedColor, AddCustomColor, LocalizedName: boolean): integer; |
function GetColorValue(idx: integer): TColor; |
function GetColorName(idx: integer; LocalizedName: boolean): string; |
function GetColorIdx(Color: TColor): integer; overload; |
function GetColorIdx(const ColorName: string): integer; overload; |
function ColorToString(Color: TColor; LocalizedName: boolean = false): string; |
function StringToColor(const ColorStr: string): TColor; |
function IsSameColor(Color1, Color2: TColor; Threshold_Proc: integer = 80): boolean; |
procedure FontGetRotated(Font: TFont; Orientation: integer = 900); |
procedure BiDi_ModifyRect(Canvas: TCanvas; var ARect: TRect); |
procedure BiDi_FrameRect(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor = clNone); |
procedure BiDi_DrawFocusRect(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); |
procedure DrawGradientV(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; FromColor, ToColor: TColor); |
procedure DrawGradientH(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; FromColor, ToColor: TColor); |
procedure DrawGradient(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; FromColor, ToColor: TColor; Vertical: boolean; MaxSteps: integer); |
function DrawDataBar(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Value, ValMin, ValMax: double; ColorFrom, ColorTo: TColor): double; |
procedure DrawStatusBar(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Value, Steps: integer; BarType: TrStatusBarType; ColorAll, ColorDone: TColor); |
procedure AnimateResize(W: TControl; NewRect: TRect); |
procedure GetBitmapFromPicture(B: TBitmap; P: TPicture); |
procedure DrawPictureCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; P: TPicture); overload; |
procedure DrawPictureCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; P: TPicture; Stretch, Transparent: boolean); overload; |
procedure DrawBmpAlign(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; Alignment: TAlignment; Margin: integer = 0); |
procedure DrawBmpCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap); overload; |
procedure DrawBmpCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; Stretch: boolean); overload; |
procedure DrawBmpCenter(DC: HDC; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; Transparent: boolean); overload; |
procedure DrawPictureTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; P: TPicture; Transparent: boolean); |
procedure DrawBmpTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap); |
procedure SmoothResizeBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; MaxW, MaxH: integer; SmallEnlarge: boolean); |
procedure SmoothResizeToBitmap(Src, Dst: TBitmap); |
procedure SmoothResizePicture(P: TPicture; MaxW, MaxH: integer; SmallEnlarge: boolean); |
procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Angle: double); |
procedure RotateToBitmap(SrcBmp: TBitmap; DestBmp: TBitmap; Angle: double); |
procedure RotatePicture(P: TPicture; Angle: double); |
procedure ConvertBmpToIco(Bmp: TBitmap; Icon: TIcon; IconSize: integer); |
procedure BitmapChangeColor(SourceBmp, DestBmp: TBitmap; NewColor: TColor; OldColor: TColor = clBlack); |
function IsJPGSupported: boolean; |
function IsPNGSupported: boolean; |
function IsGraphicTypeValid(GraphicType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
function ReadPictureFromField(F: TField; P: TPicture): TrGraphicType; |
function ReadBitmapFromField(F: TField; Bmp: TBitmap): TrGraphicType; |
function WritePictureToField(F: TField; P: TPicture; FieldType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
function WriteBitmapToField(F: TField; Bmp: TBitmap; FieldType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
function LoadPictureFromFile(P: TPicture; const FileName: string; ShowErrorMessage: boolean = true): TrGraphicType; |
function LoadBitmapFromFile(Bmp: TBitmap; const FileName: string; ShowErrorMessage: boolean = true): TrGraphicType; |
function SavePictureToStream(P: TPicture; Stream: TStream; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
function SaveBitmapToStream(Bmp: TBitmap; Stream: TStream; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
function SavePictureToFile(P: TPicture; const FileName: string; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
function SaveBitmapToFile(Bmp: TBitmap; const FileName: string; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
function GetFileTypeFilterList(UseAllFormats: boolean): string; |
function GetFileTypeExtension(GraphicType: TrGraphicType): string; |
function GetFileTypeFromFileName(const FileName: string): TrGraphicType; |
function OpenDlg_PictureFromFile(P: TPicture; const DefaultDir: string; DefaultGrType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
function SaveDlg_PictureToFile(P: TPicture; const DefaultDir: string; DefaultGrType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
function OpenDlg_GraphicFiles(D: TOpenDialog; MultiSelect, Execute: boolean; const DefaultDir: string; DefaultGrType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
function GetJPEGDimensions(const FileName: string; var X, Y: Word): boolean; |
function WritePictureToJPGField(F: TField; P: TPicture; Quality: integer): boolean; |
function WriteBitmapToJPGField(F: TField; Bmp: TBitmap; Quality: integer): boolean; |
function SavePictureToJPGFile(P: TPicture; const FileName: string; Quality: integer): boolean; |
function SaveBitmapToJPGFile(Bmp: TBitmap; const FileName: string; Quality: integer): boolean; |
cGradientStandardSteps = 100; |
JPEGDefaultQuality = 100; |
GraphicTypeLabel: array [TrGraphicType] of string = ('None', 'Error', 'BMP', 'JPG', 'PNG', 'EMF', 'Other'); |
ColorsDefArr: array [0 .. 20] of TColorDefMap = ((Value: clBlack; Name: sColorBlack; LocalizedName: sColorBlackLoc), (Value: clMaroon; Name: sColorMaroon;
LocalizedName: sColorMaroonLoc), (Value: clGreen; Name: sColorGreen; LocalizedName: sColorGreenLoc), (Value: clOlive; Name: sColorOlive;
LocalizedName: sColorOliveLoc), (Value: clNavy; Name: sColorNavy; LocalizedName: sColorNavyLoc), (Value: clPurple; Name: sColorPurple;
LocalizedName: sColorPurpleLoc), (Value: clTeal; Name: sColorTeal; LocalizedName: sColorTealLoc), (Value: clGray; Name: sColorGray;
LocalizedName: sColorGrayLoc), (Value: clSilver; Name: sColorSilver; LocalizedName: sColorSilverLoc), (Value: clRed; Name: sColorRed;
LocalizedName: sColorRedLoc), (Value: clLime; Name: sColorLime; LocalizedName: sColorLimeLoc), (Value: clYellow; Name: sColorYellow;
LocalizedName: sColorYellowLoc), (Value: clBlue; Name: sColorBlue; LocalizedName: sColorBlueLoc), (Value: clFuchsia; Name: sColorFuchsia;
LocalizedName: sColorFuchsiaLoc), (Value: clAqua; Name: sColorAqua; LocalizedName: sColorAquaLoc), (Value: clWhite; Name: sColorWhite;
LocalizedName: sColorWhiteLoc),
(Value: clMoneyGreen; Name: sColorMoneyGreen; LocalizedName: sColorMoneyGreenLoc), (Value: clSkyBlue; Name: sColorSkyBlue; LocalizedName: sColorSkyBlueLoc)
, (Value: clCream; Name: sColorCream; LocalizedName: sColorCreamLoc), (Value: clMedGray; Name: sColorMedGray; LocalizedName: sColorMedGrayLoc),
(Value: clNone; Name: sColorCustom; LocalizedName: sColorCustomLoc)); |
ColorDefStandardCount = 16; |
ColorDefExtendedCount = 4; |
ColorDefCustomIdx = 20; |
Functions and Procedures
function GetColorList(L: TStrings; AddExtendedColor, AddCustomColor, LocalizedName: boolean): integer; |
load list of Colors to list
function GetColorValue(idx: integer): TColor; |
return color value according color index
function GetColorName(idx: integer; LocalizedName: boolean): string; |
return color name or localozed name according color index
function GetColorIdx(Color: TColor): integer; overload; |
return color index according color value
function GetColorIdx(const ColorName: string): integer; overload; |
return color index according color name
function ColorToString(Color: TColor; LocalizedName: boolean = false): string; |
return color name or hex string value according color value
function StringToColor(const ColorStr: string): TColor; |
return color value according color string
function IsSameColor(Color1, Color2: TColor; Threshold_Proc: integer = 80): boolean; |
compare two colors according provided threshold
procedure FontGetRotated(Font: TFont; Orientation: integer = 900); |
set font orientation (rotate font)
procedure BiDi_ModifyRect(Canvas: TCanvas; var ARect: TRect); |
modify Rect according to Canvas Orientation
procedure BiDi_FrameRect(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AColor: TColor = clNone); |
draw FrameRect according to Canvas Orientation
procedure BiDi_DrawFocusRect(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); |
draw FocusRect according to Canvas Orientation
procedure DrawGradientV(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; FromColor, ToColor: TColor); |
draw vertical gradient to canvas
procedure DrawGradientH(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; FromColor, ToColor: TColor); |
draw horizontal gradient to canvas
procedure DrawGradient(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; FromColor, ToColor: TColor; Vertical: boolean; MaxSteps: integer); |
draw any gradient to canvas with definable number of steps
function DrawDataBar(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Value, ValMin, ValMax: double; ColorFrom, ColorTo: TColor): double; |
draw ProgressBar to the rect (used by StringGrid and DBGrid)
procedure DrawStatusBar(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Value, Steps: integer; BarType: TrStatusBarType; ColorAll, ColorDone: TColor); |
draw StatusBar to the rect (used by StringGrid and DBGrid)
procedure AnimateResize(W: TControl; NewRect: TRect); |
animate resizing of Control
procedure GetBitmapFromPicture(B: TBitmap; P: TPicture); |
assig picture to Bitmap or Draw to bitmap if Picture contains Metafile
procedure DrawPictureCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; P: TPicture); overload; |
draw picture to center of rectangle
procedure DrawPictureCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; P: TPicture; Stretch, Transparent: boolean); overload; |
draw picture to center of rectangle, definable strech and transparency
procedure DrawBmpAlign(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; Alignment: TAlignment; Margin: integer = 0); |
draw bitmap aligned of rectangle
procedure DrawBmpCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap); overload; |
draw bitmap to center of rectangle
procedure DrawBmpCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; Stretch: boolean); overload; |
draw bitmap to center of rectangle, definable strech and transparency
procedure DrawBmpCenter(DC: HDC; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; Transparent: boolean); overload; |
draw bitmap to center of rectangle by HDC instead of Canvas, definable transparency
procedure DrawPictureTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; P: TPicture; Transparent: boolean); |
draw picture to rectangle as tiles
procedure DrawBmpTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap); |
draw bitmap to rectangle as tiles
procedure SmoothResizeBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; MaxW, MaxH: integer; SmallEnlarge: boolean); |
resize bitmap to max width or height
procedure SmoothResizeToBitmap(Src, Dst: TBitmap); |
resize one bitmap to another bitmap
procedure SmoothResizePicture(P: TPicture; MaxW, MaxH: integer; SmallEnlarge: boolean); |
resize picture to max width or height
procedure RotateBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; Angle: double); |
rotate bitmap by defined angle
procedure RotateToBitmap(SrcBmp: TBitmap; DestBmp: TBitmap; Angle: double); |
rotate one bitmap to another bitmap by defined angle
procedure RotatePicture(P: TPicture; Angle: double); |
rotate picture by defined angle
procedure ConvertBmpToIco(Bmp: TBitmap; Icon: TIcon; IconSize: integer); |
convert bitmap to icon
procedure BitmapChangeColor(SourceBmp, DestBmp: TBitmap; NewColor: TColor; OldColor: TColor = clBlack); |
change bitmap pixels of one color to another color
function IsJPGSupported: boolean; |
indicate whether JPG is supported
function IsPNGSupported: boolean; |
indicate whether PNG is supported
function IsGraphicTypeValid(GraphicType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
indicate whether GraphicType is not Empty or Error
function ReadPictureFromField(F: TField; P: TPicture): TrGraphicType; |
read field content and stored to Picture, return graphics type
function ReadBitmapFromField(F: TField; Bmp: TBitmap): TrGraphicType; |
read field content and stored to Bitmap, return graphics type
function WritePictureToField(F: TField; P: TPicture; FieldType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
write picture content to field in defined graphics type
function WriteBitmapToField(F: TField; Bmp: TBitmap; FieldType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
write bitmap content to field in defined graphics type
function LoadPictureFromFile(P: TPicture; const FileName: string; ShowErrorMessage: boolean = true): TrGraphicType; |
read file content and stored to Picture, return graphics type
function LoadBitmapFromFile(Bmp: TBitmap; const FileName: string; ShowErrorMessage: boolean = true): TrGraphicType; |
read file content and stored to bitmap, return graphics type
function SavePictureToStream(P: TPicture; Stream: TStream; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
write picture content to stream in defined graphics type, return final graphics type
function SaveBitmapToStream(Bmp: TBitmap; Stream: TStream; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
write bitmap content to stream in defined graphics type, return final graphics type
function SavePictureToFile(P: TPicture; const FileName: string; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
write picture content to file in defined graphics type, return final graphics type
function SaveBitmapToFile(Bmp: TBitmap; const FileName: string; FileType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
write bitmap content to file in defined graphics type, return final graphics type
function GetFileTypeFilterList(UseAllFormats: boolean): string; |
return list of FileType filters used by Open/Save dialogs
function GetFileTypeExtension(GraphicType: TrGraphicType): string; |
return file extension for defined GraphicType
function GetFileTypeFromFileName(const FileName: string): TrGraphicType; |
return GraphicType according filename extension
function OpenDlg_PictureFromFile(P: TPicture; const DefaultDir: string; DefaultGrType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
select graphic file from disk and load content to picture, return GraphicType
function SaveDlg_PictureToFile(P: TPicture; const DefaultDir: string; DefaultGrType: TrGraphicType): TrGraphicType; |
select file name and save picture content to file, return real GraphicType
function OpenDlg_GraphicFiles(D: TOpenDialog; MultiSelect, Execute: boolean; const DefaultDir: string; DefaultGrType: TrGraphicType): boolean; |
initialize and optionaly execute OpenDialog
function GetJPEGDimensions(const FileName: string; var X, Y: Word): boolean; |
read size of jpeg file
function WritePictureToJPGField(F: TField; P: TPicture; Quality: integer): boolean; |
write picture content to field in jpg format and defined quality
function WriteBitmapToJPGField(F: TField; Bmp: TBitmap; Quality: integer): boolean; |
write bitmap content to field in jpg format and defined quality
function SavePictureToJPGFile(P: TPicture; const FileName: string; Quality: integer): boolean; |
write picture content to jpg file in defined quality
function SaveBitmapToJPGFile(Bmp: TBitmap; const FileName: string; Quality: integer): boolean; |
write bitmap content to jpg file in defined quality
TrGraphicType = (...); |
list of graphics types
cGradientStandardSteps = 100; |
define number of steps for gradient background
JPEGDefaultQuality = 100; |
define standard JPEG quality, used by WritePictureToField, 0..100 100=best quality but large file
GraphicTypeLabel: array [TrGraphicType] of string = ('None', 'Error', 'BMP', 'JPG', 'PNG', 'EMF', 'Other'); |
define name array of graphics types
ColorsDefArr: array [0 .. 20] of TColorDefMap = ((Value: clBlack; Name: sColorBlack; LocalizedName: sColorBlackLoc), (Value: clMaroon; Name: sColorMaroon;
LocalizedName: sColorMaroonLoc), (Value: clGreen; Name: sColorGreen; LocalizedName: sColorGreenLoc), (Value: clOlive; Name: sColorOlive;
LocalizedName: sColorOliveLoc), (Value: clNavy; Name: sColorNavy; LocalizedName: sColorNavyLoc), (Value: clPurple; Name: sColorPurple;
LocalizedName: sColorPurpleLoc), (Value: clTeal; Name: sColorTeal; LocalizedName: sColorTealLoc), (Value: clGray; Name: sColorGray;
LocalizedName: sColorGrayLoc), (Value: clSilver; Name: sColorSilver; LocalizedName: sColorSilverLoc), (Value: clRed; Name: sColorRed;
LocalizedName: sColorRedLoc), (Value: clLime; Name: sColorLime; LocalizedName: sColorLimeLoc), (Value: clYellow; Name: sColorYellow;
LocalizedName: sColorYellowLoc), (Value: clBlue; Name: sColorBlue; LocalizedName: sColorBlueLoc), (Value: clFuchsia; Name: sColorFuchsia;
LocalizedName: sColorFuchsiaLoc), (Value: clAqua; Name: sColorAqua; LocalizedName: sColorAquaLoc), (Value: clWhite; Name: sColorWhite;
LocalizedName: sColorWhiteLoc),
(Value: clMoneyGreen; Name: sColorMoneyGreen; LocalizedName: sColorMoneyGreenLoc), (Value: clSkyBlue; Name: sColorSkyBlue; LocalizedName: sColorSkyBlueLoc)
, (Value: clCream; Name: sColorCream; LocalizedName: sColorCreamLoc), (Value: clMedGray; Name: sColorMedGray; LocalizedName: sColorMedGrayLoc),
(Value: clNone; Name: sColorCustom; LocalizedName: sColorCustomLoc)); |
define array of color records
ColorDefStandardCount = 16; |
ColorDefExtendedCount = 4; |
Nov 2010
Last Modified
May 2018
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.