All Types

Name Unit Description
enStyle rImprovedComps

list of numeric styles used by TrEditNum

slkCellFormat SLKExport

list of cell format types

TActionAfter RosiCompGlobalCfg

define action type after creating of report, used by RTFReport2, rXMLReport, TXTExport, SLKExport, rXLSExport

TAlignmentDefault RosiCompGlobalCfg

define alignment including default value

TAnchorClickEvent RosiCompGlobalCfg

define event type for click on anchor, used by rHTMLLabel and rHTMLDrawText

TBackgroundPictureType rImprovedComps

list of background picture types, used by TrGroupBox

TBarcodeType AsBarCode_interface

list of supported Barcode types

TBarLineType AsBarcode

black_half means a black line with 2/5 height (used for PostNet)

TBlobFileEvent rDBComponents

event type used by TrDBBlob

TBtnPos rDBComponents

list of bound buttons position for TrDBImage

TButtonsType rdlg

list of possible button types used by rDlg

TCanDeleteSelected rDBGrid_MS

event type for getting of possibility to delete selected records

TCanEditEvent rDBGrid

event is called before editing of cell, set CanEdit = false to block editing of the cell

TCanEditEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd edit

TCaptionPosition rImprovedComps

list of caption possition types, used by TrGroupBox

TCellParamsCondActions rDBGrid

list of logical operators for cell highlighting conditions

TCellParamsCondOperators rDBGrid

list of operators for cell highlighting conditions

TCellPosition rStringGridEd


TChangeScaleEvent RosiCompGlobalCfg


TChangesFormat DBTrackTool

list of possible formats of change information text

TChangeSortEvent rDBGrid

event is called after click on title row to provide sorting if Sorter component is not used; if "Accept" remains true, "SortFieldName" and "SortDesc" is changed and sort marker is shown, in other case nothing is changed; obsolete, use ChangeSortEventEx for multifield sorting

TChangeSortEventEx rDBGrid

Enhanced event with MultiField sorting support; event is called after click on title row to provide sorting if Sorter component is not used; if "Accept" remains true, "SortFieldName" and "SortDirections" is changed and sort marker is shown, in other case nothing is changed

TCheckboxUpdateMode RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible check mode for TrCheckListBox and TrDBCheckListBox

TCheckItemsStyle rDBComponents

list of possible items order for TrDBCheckListBox

TColumnStoredProps rDBGrid

array type for storing of TColumnStoredProp for all columns

TColumnWidth rDBGrid

list of possible column width types

TColWidthChangedEvent rDBGrid

event is called after changing of column width

TComboLoadItemsEvent rImprovedComps

event type used by TrComboBox

TComponentPropsEvent rDBColorLinkedComp

event type used by TrDBColorLinkedComp

TCustomEditorAction rStringGridEd

list of possible action for CustomEditor events

TCustomEditorCreate rStringGridEd

event type for creating of CustomEditor

TCustomEditorEvent rStringGridEd

event type for CustomEditor action

TDateTimePickerAction RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible action for DateTimePicker events

TDateTimePickerCreate RosiCompGlobalCfg

event type for creating of DateTimePicker

TDateTimePickerEvent RosiCompGlobalCfg

event type for DateTimePicker action

TDBBeforePostEvent rDBStringGridEd

event type used by TrDBStringGridEd before post

TDBLoadStoreCellField rDBStringGridEd

event type used by TrDBStringGridEd to load and store field value

TDBMemoOption rDBComponents


TDBMemoOptions rDBComponents


TDBUpdateCellContent rDBStringGridEd

event type used by TrDBStringGridEd to load and store field value

TDialogType rdlg

list of possible dialog types used by rDlg

TDragDropItemOption rDBTreeView

list of possible DropItem options used by TrDBTreeView

TDragDropItemOptions rDBTreeView

set of possible DropItem options used by TrDBTreeView

TDrawControl rImprovedComps

event type for custom drawing used by TrGroupBox

TDrawFooterCellEvent rDBGrid

event is called to get footer cell text or draw footer cell directly

TDrawFooterRowEvent rDBGrid

event is called to get footer simpletext or draw footer rect directly

TDrawTitleLineEvent rDBGrid

event is called to get title line text or draw title line directly

TDropFilesEvent rImprovedComps

event type for dropping of files used by TrGroupBox

TEditingState rDBComponents

list of possible state used by TrDBRecordSelection

TExitControlEvent RosiCompGlobalCfg

event type for DBControls used in DoExit event

TFilterJoin rdbtool

list of possible filter join conditions

TFindItemsStyle rDBComponents

list of possible items visibility for TrDBCheckListBox

TFontStyleDefault RosiCompGlobalCfg

define fotn style including default value

TFontStylesDefault RosiCompGlobalCfg


TFooterCellClick rDBGrid

event is called after click to footer cell

TFormatType rDBComponents

definition of possible formats in rDBMemoEx

TFrameType RosiCompGlobalCfg

define frame types, used by rGroupBox and rHTMLListView

TFunnelFilterAddToList rDBGrid

callback procedure used by TLoadFunnelFilterEvent

TGeneralEvent rDBGrid

event is called in many events to add posibility of any custom setting or code and to skip rest of the standard event

TGeneralEvent rStringGridEd

event is called in many events to add posibility of any custom code and to skip rest of the standard event used by TrStringGridEd

TGeneralEventType rDBGrid

general event type used for TGeneralEvent

TGeneralEventType rStringGridEd

general event type used by TrStringGridEd

TGetCellParams rXMLReport

event type called to get cell parameters for named tables

TGetCellParamsEvent rDBRecView

event type for TrStringGridEd cell parameters used by TrDBRecView

TGetCellParamsEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd cell parameters

TGetCellParamsEvent rDBGrid

event is called to get params of data cell

TGetCellParamsEventEx rDBGrid

event is called to get extended params of data cell including TDataImageDef for showing of images with additional text

TGetCellParamsEventEx rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd cell extended parameters

TGetColumnWidth rXMLReport

event type called to get column width for named tables

TGetDataTypeEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd data type

TGetEditStyleEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd style type

TGetEllipsisButtonFormat rDBGrid

event is called to define format of Ellipsis button in the cell

TGetEllipsisButtonFormat rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd ellipsis format

TGetFieldType rXLSExport

Defines event for custom definition of field with picture

TGetFixedColStateEvent rDBGrid

event is called to get font and text of fixed column cell

TGetFixedRowStateEvent rDBGrid

event is called to get font and text of fixed row cell (title cell)

TGetFldDef RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible fields group

TGetFldDefs RosiCompGlobalCfg

set of possible fields group

TGetHintStringEventEx rDBGrid

event is called before showing of hint window to get user defined hint string HintFieldValue contain value of field defined by HintFieldName from record under mouse

TGetHintText rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd hint

TGetListItemProps rImprovedComps

event type for getting of item properties used by TrComboBoxEx and TrDBComboBox

TGetLookupListItemHeight rDBComponents

event for user definition of lookup dropdown list width

TGetLookupListItemProps rDBComponents

event for user definition of lookup dropdown list items

TGetNumFormat rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd cell numeric format

TGetParameter RosiCompGlobalCfg

define event type for getting of parameter value, used by rHTMLLabel and rHTMLDrawText

TGetRowHeight rXMLReport

event type called to get row height for named tables

TGetSummaryResultEvent rDBGrid

event is called to update or format one particular calculated value of field (sum, min, max, avg ...)

TGlyphLookStyles RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible LookStyles for rDBGrid

TGradientType RosiCompGlobalCfg

define gradient types, used by rGroupBox

TGridDlgVisibleTab rDBRecView

list of dialog tab visibility used by design time dialog for TrDBRecView

TGridDlgVisibleTabs rDBRecView

set of dialog tab visibility used by design time dialog for TrDBRecView

TGridLookStyles RosiCompGlobalCfg

define list of defined grid styles for rDBGrid (can be expanded by developer)

TGridOptionEx rDBRecView

list of OptionsEx used by TrDBRecView

TGridOptionsEx rDBRecView

set of OptionsEx used by TrDBRecView

TImageShowEditor rImageZoom

define way how the independent editing window is shown

TIsSupportedComponent rDBColorLinkedComp

event type used by TrDBColorLinkedComp

TLabelPos rImprovedComps

list of boundlabel positions used by TrImageEx

TLabelPos rDBComponents

list of BoundLabel positions

TLinkClickEvent RosiCompGlobalCfg

define event type after click on link, used by shared rDBGrid and rDBRecView

TLoadFieldsPropsProc RosiCompGlobalCfg

event type called to set all default setting of dataset

TLoadFunnelFilterEvent rDBGrid

event is called to load funnel-filter list for particular field - usually by aggregated query

TLoadListEvent rDBComponents

list of possible loading event used by TrDBRecordSelection

TLoadPickListEvent rDBGrid

event is called to load picklist or textbar-filter list for particular field - usually by aggregated query

TLoadSaveItemList rDBComponents

event type for TrDBCheckListBox

TLookupCondition rDBGrid

list of possible AutoLookup conditions

TMapiFileDescW MapiW

Attachment file type (can be lpMapiFileTagExt)

TMapiMessageW MapiW

Attachment descriptors

TMapiRecipDescW MapiW

System-specific recipient reference

TMemoCheckFormat rDBMemoGrid

event used for custom definition of display method

TMemoFormat RTFReport2

list of memo or blob format types (used if is not defined in rtf template) used by TRTFReport2

TMemoGridOpt rDBMemoGrid

display method used by TrDBMemoGrid - as grid, as memo, ar automatic selection according content

TMemoGridOptEx rDBMemoGrid

additional option used by TrDBMemoGrid

TMemoGridOptsEx rDBMemoGrid

additional options used by TrDBMemoGrid

TMemoGridSelection rDBMemoGrid

cell selection option used by TrDBMemoGrid

TMemoGridSelections rDBMemoGrid

cell selection options used by TrDBMemoGrid

TMinMaxBtnType rImprovedComps

list of min max button types, used by TrGroupBox

TModifyContent rXMLReport

event type called to modify file content

TModifyContent RTFReport2

event type called to modify file content, used by TRTFReport2

TMultiRowType rDBStringGridEd

multirow cell type

TOnColumnRestoreDefault rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd column restore

TOnExport SLKExport

event is called before and after export, application can export own non database data

TOnGetKeyString PropSaveMain

event type used by TCustomPropSave to get KeyString for the component

TOnGetPictureContent rXMLReport

event type called to get bitmap content for Picture tag

TOnGetPictureContent RTFReport2

event type called to get bitmap content for Picture tag

TOnGetTemplateStr RTFReport2

event type called instead of loading of template file, used by TRTFReport2

TOnProcComponents PropSaveMain

event type used by TCustomPropSave to proceed any custom defined component

TOnProgress rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd progress event

TOnReadSaveProp PropSaveMain

event type used by TPropSaveMain

TOptionDBEx rDBStringGridEd

list of options used by TrDBStringGridEd

TOptionEx rStringGridEd

list of enhanced Option properties used by TrStringGridEd

TOptionsBlobType rDBGrid

blob content appearance type for TrDBGrid - standard, glyph or content

TOptionsDBEx rDBStringGridEd

set of options used by TrDBStringGridEd

TOptionsEx rStringGridEd

set of enhanced Option properties used by TrStringGridEd

TOptionTextFilterType rDBGrid

text filter type for TrDBGrid filter bar

TOutlookOption rMapiMail

outlook options

TOutlookOptions rMapiMail

outlook options set

TPrepareColorScaleEvent rXLSExport

Defines event for custom preparation of the ColorScale before exporting

TPrepareDatabarEvent rXLSExport

Defines event for custom preparation of the Databar before exporting

TPrepareIconSetEvent rXLSExport

Defines event for custom preparation of the IconSet before exporting

TPreparePictureEvent rXLSExport

Defines event for custom preparation of the picture before exporting

TProcOnHelp RosiCompGlobalCfg

define event type for help invoke, used by shared forms

TPropSaveAction PropSaveMain

list of saving actions

TPropSaveEvents PropSaveMain

list of possible saving events

TrDataBarText RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible DataBar text types

TrDBButtonType rDBComponents

list of rDBMoveButton types

TrDBStringGridEdMultiRowClass rDBStringGridEd


TRecalculateSummaryResultEvent rDBGrid

event is called to set all calculated values for one column (field), usually by some SQL query instead of record scan

TRecordScope rDBGrid_MS

list of scope types used by ProcScopeRecords procedure to define which records is processed

TReportProcessEvent rXMLReport

event type called for each record during reporting

TReportProcessEvent RTFReport2

event type called for each record during reporting, used by TRTFReport2

TrGraphicType rpictool

list of graphics types

TrGroupBoxHorizontalAlignment rImprovedComps

list of possible horizontal alignment for child component used by TrGroupBox

TrGroupBoxVerticalAlignment rImprovedComps

list of possible vertical alignment for child component used by TrGroupBox

TrHTMLMode rHTMLDrawText

list of HTML drawing types

TrLikeCompareType rdbtool

list of possible filter compare types

TrLinkType RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible link types

TrMemoOption rImprovedComps

list of options (popup menus) used by TrMemoEx

TrMemoOptions rImprovedComps

set of options (popup menus) used by TrMemoEx

TRosiCompGeneralEvent RosiCompGlobalCfg

define universal event called by Components and rDBDialogs in different situations

TrStatusBarType RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible StatusBar types

TrStringGridEdCellEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd cell

TrStringGridEdColumnClass rStringGridEd


TrStringGridEdDataState rStringGridEd

list of data statuses used by TrStringGridEd

TrStringGridEdDataType rStringGridEd

list of data types used by TrStringGridEd

TrStringGridEdDropdownEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd dropdown list

TrStringGridEdEditorEvent rStringGridEd

event type for TrStringGridEd Editor event

TrStringGridEdEditStyle rStringGridEd

list of editor types used by TrStringGridEd

TrStringGridEdInvalidDataAction rStringGridEd

list of invalid data actions used by TrStringGridEd

TRtfSupportedFormat rXMLReport

list of supported RTF format types

TRtfSupportedFormats rXMLReport

set of supported RTF format types

TRTFTextFormat RTFReport2

list of RTF text format types used by TRTFReport2

TRTFTextFormats RTFReport2

set of RTF text format types used by TRTFReport2

TRunMailMapiOutlook rMapiMail

list of RunMail MAPI / Outlook preferences

TRunMailMapiVersion rMapiMail

list of RunMail MAPI version types

TRunMailType rMapiMail

list of RunMail sending types

TScanCallBackProc rdbtool

callback procedure used by ScanAllRecords

TScanDatasetEvent rDBGrid

event is called before and after dataset scan

TSearchingType RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of searching types

TSetChildrenValueTypes rImprovedComps

list of actions use by procedure SetAllChildren of TrGroupBox

TSetColumnFilterEvent rDBGrid

event is called after setting filter for any column

TShapeType rImprovedComps

list of shape types used by TrImageEx

TShowTextPosition AsBarCode_interface

list of possible BarCode text positions

TSortDirections rDBGrid

array of directions used for sorting

TSortFieldNames rDBGrid

array of field names used for sorting

TSourceType RosiCompGlobalCfg

list of possible sources for export and print

TSQLStrings rdbtool

sBooleanString: array [boolean] of string = ('false', 'true');

TTabCloseEvent rImprovedComps

event type for tab closing notification used by TTabPropsEx

TTabDrawTabEvent rImprovedComps

event type for tab custom drawing used by TTabPropsEx

TTabGetPopupMenu rImprovedComps

event type for getting of tab popup menu used by TTabPropsEx

TTabGetPropsEvent rImprovedComps

event type for getting of tab props used by TTabPropsEx

TTemplateFormat RTFReport2

list of template format types used by TRTFReport2

TTemplateFormat rXMLReport

Defines default template format

TTrackEditMessage DBTrackTool

event type for user defined message or value

TTrackGetDateTime DBTrackTool

event type for user defined datetime value

TTrackingEvent DBTrackTool

list of tracking dataset events

TTrackingEvents DBTrackTool

set of tracking dataset events

TTrackingOption DBTrackTool

list of tracking options

TTrackingOptions DBTrackTool

set of tracking options

TTVItemObjectDefinedEvent rDBTreeView

event used as notification after some node is added or refreshed used by TrDBTreeView

TUserCalc rXMLReport

event type called to get calculated string result

TUserCalc RTFReport2

event type called to get calculated string result, used by TRTFReport2

TUserCalcParams rXMLReport

event type called to get calculated string result, supports function parameters

TUserCalcParams RTFReport2

event type called to get calculated string result, supports function parameters, used by TRTFReport2

TXLSCellFormat rXLSExport

Defines types of cell format

TXLSCellFormats rXLSExport

Defines types of cell format

TXLSExportColor rXLSExport


TXLSExportColors rXLSExport


TXLSExportOption rXLSExport

Defines options for ExportTable function

TXLSExportOptions rXLSExport

Defines options for ExportTable function

TXLSVerticalAlignment rXLSExport

Defines vertical alignment possibilty

TXMLTextFormat rXMLReport

list of XML text format types

TXMLTextFormats rXMLReport

set of XML text format types

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.