Unit RosiCompGlobalCfg


Global configuration unit defines global components, variables and settings for all RosiComponent package and shared forms.

Updated version compatible with Delphi2010+.


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TAnchorInfo define class for storing information of one anchor, used by rHTMLLabel and rHTMLDrawText
Class TReportException Report exception class
Class TrCustomGlyphs non visual components witch define custom glyphs for Rosi components
Record TrGlyphsRec global record which contain and return needed glyph from Global or Custom glyph component
Record TrDBToolCfg record for DBTool global configuration
Record TPropSaveCfg record for PropSave global configuration
Record TrGroupBoxCfg record for rGroupBox global configuration
Record TrDBComponentsCfg record for rDBcomponents global configuration
Record TrDBGridCfg record for rDBGrid global configuration
Record TrDBFieldsCfg record for rDBFields global configuration
Record TrDBFilterCfg record for rDBFilter global configuration
Record TrDBFindCfg record for rDBFind global configuration
Record TrDBGridPropsCfg record for rDBGridProps global configuration
Record TrDBExportCfg record for rDBExport global configuration
Record TrDBPrintCfg record for rDBPrint global configuration
Record TrDBPrintDirectCfg record for rDBPrintDirect global configuration
Record TrDBSortCfg record for rDBSort global configuration
Record TRTFRepDlgCfg record for RTFReportDlg global configuration
Record TrDBFieldDefaultsCfg record for db fields global configuration
Record TRosiCompConfig define global configuration record
Record TGridLookStyleDef define record for one GridLook style

Functions and Procedures

function GetRosiCompIniFile: string;
procedure LoadGridLookStyleList(L: TStrings);


TRosiCompGeneralEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; EventID: integer; Param1: TObject; Param2: TObject; var Value: Variant) of object;
TChangeScaleEvent = procedure(M, D: integer; isDpiChange: Boolean; ScaleRatio: double) of object;
TAnchorClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; LinkName: string) of object;
TGetParameter = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ParamStr: string) of object;
TAlignmentDefault = (...);
TFontStyleDefault = (...);
TFontStylesDefault = set of TFontStyleDefault;
TFrameType = (...);
TGradientType = (...);
TProcOnHelp = procedure(Form: TForm; HelpContext: integer) of object;
TLinkClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet; Column: TColumn; Field: TField; Value: Variant) of object;
TActionAfter = (...);
TDateTimePickerAction = (...);
TDateTimePickerCreate = procedure(Sender: TObject; var DateTimePicker: TWinControl; OnChange: TNotifyEvent; OnClose: TNotifyEvent) of object;
TDateTimePickerEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DateTimePicker: TWinControl; Action: TDateTimePickerAction; var DateTime: TDateTime; var Done: Boolean) of object;
TExitControlEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; var CanExit: Boolean) of object;
TGetFldDef = (...);
TGetFldDefs = set of TGetFldDef;
TGridLookStyles = (...);
TGlyphLookStyles = (...);
TrLinkType = (...);
TrDataBarText = (...);
TrStatusBarType = (...);
TCheckboxUpdateMode = (...);
TSourceType = (...);
TSearchingType = (...);
TLoadFieldsPropsProc = procedure(DS: TDataSet) of object;


cStrEOL = #13#10;
rDefBoolValue = '1;0';
rRunHTTP = 'http://';
rRunMailTo = 'mailto:';
rRunFile = 'file:';
rActualDateAbr = '$Date';
rHTMLHintImageTag = '<<HINTIMG>>';
rHTMLHintRichTextTag = '<<HINTRICHTEXT>>';
RosiCompConfig_Auto = 0;
RosiCompConfig_On = 1;
RosiCompConfig_Off = -1;
rDBForms_FormShowEventID = 1001;
rDBForms_FormActivateEventID = 1002;
rDBForms_FormCloseEventID = 1009;
rDBComps_ComponentCreatedEventID = 1101;
rDBComps_ComponentLoadedEventID = 1102;
rDBFilter_SetValueTextEventID = 1;
rDBFilter_SetFilterTextEventID = 2;
rGroupBoxDefFrame = ft3D;
rGroupBoxDefSeparator = ';';
rPageExSpace = 2;


RosiCompConfig: TRosiCompConfig;
GridLookStyleDefs: array [0 .. 13] of TGridLookStyleDef;
rGlyphs: TrGlyphsRec;


Functions and Procedures

function GetRosiCompIniFile: string;

return filename used for storing of design time dialog settings

procedure LoadGridLookStyleList(L: TStrings);

loads list of possible GridLookStyles


TRosiCompGeneralEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; EventID: integer; Param1: TObject; Param2: TObject; var Value: Variant) of object;

define universal event called by Components and rDBDialogs in different situations

TChangeScaleEvent = procedure(M, D: integer; isDpiChange: Boolean; ScaleRatio: double) of object;
TAnchorClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; LinkName: string) of object;

define event type for click on anchor, used by rHTMLLabel and rHTMLDrawText

TGetParameter = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ParamStr: string) of object;

define event type for getting of parameter value, used by rHTMLLabel and rHTMLDrawText

TAlignmentDefault = (...);

define alignment including default value

  • tadDefault
  • tadLeft
  • tadCenter
  • tadRight
TFontStyleDefault = (...);

define fotn style including default value

  • fsdDefault
  • fsdNormal
  • fsdBold
  • fsdItalic
  • fsdUnderline
TFontStylesDefault = set of TFontStyleDefault;
TFrameType = (...);

define frame types, used by rGroupBox and rHTMLListView

  • ft3D
  • ftSingleLine
  • ftDoubleLine
  • ftNone
TGradientType = (...);

define gradient types, used by rGroupBox

  • gtNone
  • gtVertical
  • gtHorizontal
TProcOnHelp = procedure(Form: TForm; HelpContext: integer) of object;

define event type for help invoke, used by shared forms

TLinkClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet; Column: TColumn; Field: TField; Value: Variant) of object;

define event type after click on link, used by shared rDBGrid and rDBRecView

TActionAfter = (...);

define action type after creating of report, used by RTFReport2, rXMLReport, TXTExport, SLKExport, rXLSExport

  • aaNone
  • aaShow
  • aaPrint
TDateTimePickerAction = (...);

list of possible action for DateTimePicker events

  • dpaSetDate
  • dpaGetDate
  • dpaShow
  • dpaHide
TDateTimePickerCreate = procedure(Sender: TObject; var DateTimePicker: TWinControl; OnChange: TNotifyEvent; OnClose: TNotifyEvent) of object;

event type for creating of DateTimePicker

TDateTimePickerEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DateTimePicker: TWinControl; Action: TDateTimePickerAction; var DateTime: TDateTime; var Done: Boolean) of object;

event type for DateTimePicker action

TExitControlEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; var CanExit: Boolean) of object;

event type for DBControls used in DoExit event

TGetFldDef = (...);

list of possible fields group

  • fdGetLabels
  • fdVisibleFieldOnly
  • fdSimpleField
  • fdMemoField
  • fdGraphicField
  • fdAllField
  • fdDataFieldOnly
TGetFldDefs = set of TGetFldDef;

set of possible fields group

TGridLookStyles = (...);

define list of defined grid styles for rDBGrid (can be expanded by developer)

  • grs_Default
  • grsBlueOffice
  • grsBlueNavy
  • grsBlueVista
  • grsSilverLight
  • grsSilverDark
  • grsSilverMonochrome
  • grsBlackOffice
  • grsOlive
  • grsYellow
  • grsOrange
  • grsGreen
  • grsBrown
  • grsKhaki
TGlyphLookStyles = (...);

list of possible LookStyles for rDBGrid

  • glsStandard
  • glsFlatBlack
  • glsFlatGray
TrLinkType = (...);

list of possible link types

  • ltNone
  • ltUserDefined
  • ltHTTP
  • ltMailTo
TrDataBarText = (...);

list of possible DataBar text types

  • dbtValue
  • dbtPercent
  • dbtNothing
TrStatusBarType = (...);

list of possible StatusBar types

  • sbtProgressBar
  • sbtDots
  • sbtCircles
  • sbtEllipses
  • sbtSignalStrength
  • sbtPie
TCheckboxUpdateMode = (...);

list of possible check mode for TrCheckListBox and TrDBCheckListBox

  • chmCheckboxClick
  • chmItemDblClick
  • chmItemClick
TSourceType = (...);

list of possible sources for export and print

  • stGrid
  • stDataset
  • stRecView
  • stTreeView
  • stStringGrid
TSearchingType = (...);

list of searching types

  • stFindFirst
  • stFindNext
  • stFindPrev
TLoadFieldsPropsProc = procedure(DS: TDataSet) of object;

event type called to set all default setting of dataset


cStrEOL = #13#10;

global constant

rDefBoolValue = '1;0';
rRunHTTP = 'http://';
rRunMailTo = 'mailto:';
rRunFile = 'file:';
rActualDateAbr = '$Date';
rHTMLHintImageTag = '<<HINTIMG>>';
rHTMLHintRichTextTag = '<<HINTRICHTEXT>>';
RosiCompConfig_Auto = 0;

configuration constant

RosiCompConfig_On = 1;
RosiCompConfig_Off = -1;
rDBForms_FormShowEventID = 1001;
rDBForms_FormActivateEventID = 1002;
rDBForms_FormCloseEventID = 1009;
rDBComps_ComponentCreatedEventID = 1101;
rDBComps_ComponentLoadedEventID = 1102;
rDBFilter_SetValueTextEventID = 1;
rDBFilter_SetFilterTextEventID = 2;
rGroupBoxDefFrame = ft3D;

default values

rGroupBoxDefSeparator = ';';
rPageExSpace = 2;


RosiCompConfig: TRosiCompConfig;

global variable for global configuration, developer can set own values

GridLookStyleDefs: array [0 .. 13] of TGridLookStyleDef;

global array variable containing grid style values

rGlyphs: TrGlyphsRec;

global variable containing standard glyphs for all Rosi components



Jan 2013

Last Modified

Jan 2021

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.