Unit rstring

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures


rstring unit contains all resource strings.



sInitialize = 'Initializing';
sBrowsing = 'Browsing';
sEditing = 'Editing';
sInserting = 'Inserting';
sLoading = 'Loading';
sCreating = 'Creating';
sPrinting = 'Printing';
sExporting = 'Exporting';
sLookingFor = 'Searching...';
sWaiting = 'Waiting';
sChecking = 'Checking';
sImporting = 'Importing';
sOfData = ' of data...';
sContinueQ = 'Continue?';
sTerminateQ = 'Terminate?';
sCancelQ = 'Cancel?';
sDeleteQ = 'Delete?';
sOverwriteQ = 'Overwrite?';
sTryAgainQ = 'Try again?';
sSetDefaultValues = 'Reset to default properties?';
sSaveChangesQ = 'Save changes?';
sUseChangesQ = 'Use changes?';
sUseFilterQ = 'Use selected filter?';
sFile = 'File "%s".';
sFileNotFound = 'File "%s" not found.';
sDirNotFound = 'Directory "%s" not found.';
sFileExist = 'File "%s" already exists.';
sDirExist = 'Directory "%s" already exists.';
sFileSaved = 'File "%s" was saved.';
sFileOpenQ = 'Open file "%s"?';
sOpenOtherFileQ = 'Open another file?';
sOpenLastFileQ = 'Open original file?';
sMakeDirErr = 'Cannot create targer directory "%s".';
sFilePrintErr = 'Cannot print file "%s".';
sFileOpenErr = 'Cannot open file "%s".';
sFileOpenErr2 = 'File not exist (probably).';
sFileSaveErr = 'Error during saving file "%s".';
sFileSaveErr2 = 'You do not have access rights, target directory' + ' does not exist or target file is already opened in other application.';
sDLLNotFound = 'Dynamic library "%s" not found or corrupted.';
sFileTypeAll = 'All files (*.*)|*.*';
sFileTypeTXT = 'Text file (*.txt)|*.txt';
sFileTypeSLK = 'Symbolic connection file (*.slk)|*.slk';
sFileTypeRTF = 'Rich text format (*.rtf)|*.rtf';
sFileTypeDOC = 'MSWord document (*.doc)|*.doc';
sFileTypeDOCX = 'MSWord document (*.docx)|*.docx';
sFileTypeODT = 'Open document format (*.odt)|*.odt';
sFileTypeXLS = 'Excel file (*.xls*)|*.xls*';
sFileTypeMDB = 'Database MS Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb';
sFileTypeACCDB = 'Database MS Access (*.accdb)|*.accdb';
sFileTypeSQL = 'SQL command (*.sql)|*.sql';
sFileTypeDBF = 'dBase file (*.dbf)|*.dbf';
sFileTypePDF = 'PDF file (*.pdf)|*.pdf';
sFileTypeBMP = 'Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp';
sFileTypeJPG = 'Jpeg files (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg';
sFileTypePNG = 'PNG files (*.png)|*.png';
sFileTypeBMPJPG = 'Graphics formats (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg';
sFileTypeBMPJPGPNG = 'Graphics formats (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png';
sErrorDescription = 'Error description:';
sRuntimeErr = 'Runtime error.';
sRaiseErr = 'Unexpected error. Close application and run again.';
sInputErr = 'Error in input parameters.';
sFormatNumberErr = 'Bad number format.';
sFormatDateErr = 'Bad date format.';
sFormatYearErr = 'Bad year format.';
sDateIntervalErr = 'Bad format of date period.';
sExpressionErr = 'Error in expression.';
sPictureErr = 'Bad picture format.';
sAborted = 'Action aborted.';
sTerminate = 'Program will terminate.';
sNotRegist = 'Program is not registered.';
sNotImplement = 'This action is not implemented yet.';
sNotSupported = 'This function is not supported.';
sVersion = 'Version';
sAllOK = 'All OK.';
sYes = 'Yes';
sNo = 'No';
sOK = 'Ok';
sCancel = 'Cancel';
sWrongPsw = 'Wrong password.';
sMailErr = 'E-mail sending error.';
sMailGenInfo = 'Generation of e-mail...';
sConnecting = 'Connecting to database...';
sLogging = 'Logging to database...';
sInactive = 'Inactive';
sRecord = 'record';
sNumRecords = '%d records';
sSelRecords = 'Selected %d records.';
sDelRecordQ = 'Delete selected record?';
sDelMultipleRecordQ = 'Delete all selected records?';
sConnectDataErr = 'Connection to database "%s" failed.';
sCreateDataErr = 'Error: Cannot create data.';
sOpenDataErr = 'Error: Cannot open data.';
sReadDataErr = 'Error: Cannot read data.';
sSaveDataErr = 'Error: Cannot save data.';
sCompressDataErr = 'Error: Cannot compress data.';
sExportDataErr = 'Error: Cannot export data.';
sImportDataErr = 'Error: Cannot import data.';
sDecodeDataErr = 'Cannot decode data.';
sSaveRecordErr = 'Error: Cannot save record.';
sOpenTableErr = 'Error: Cannot open table "%s".';
sEditRecordErr = 'Error: Cannot edit record.';
sSortDataErr = 'Error: Sorting of data.';
sNoSavedItems = 'no saved items';
sInputItemName = 'Name of saved item:';
sNotFound = 'Not found';
sFound = 'Found';
sFilterName = 'Filter name';
sFilterString = 'Filter condition';
sEndEditing = 'Finish editing of record.';
sInformation = 'Information';
sQuestion = 'Question';
sWarning = 'Warning';
sInput = 'Input';
sError = 'Error';
sBtOk = '&Ok';
sBtYes = '&Yes';
sBtNo = '&No';
sBtCancel = '&Cancel';
sCut = 'Cut';
sCopy = 'Copy';
sPaste = 'Paste';
sDelete = 'Delete';
sUndo = 'Undo';
sSelectAll = 'Select all';
sSaveToFile = 'Save to file...';
sLoadFromFile = 'Load from file...';
sFind = 'Find';
sFindNext = 'Find next';
sChangeFont = 'Change font';
sAbort = 'Abort';
sWordWrap = 'Word wrap';
sReport = 'Report';
sTemplateFormatErr = 'Bad format of template file.';
sPrinterNotFound = 'Printer "%s" not found.';
sTemplateBracketErr = 'Bracket error in function: "%s".';
sTemplateFieldErr = 'Calculation error in database field "%s".';
sTemplateDatasetErr = 'Incorrect dataset "%s", (A..Z allowed)';
sTemplateTagNotFoundErr = '"%s" not found.';
sTemplateCalculationErr = 'Calculation error in function "%s".';
sTemplateIncorrectTag = 'Incorrect tag "%s".';
sTemplateInsertTableErr = 'Tag "%s" can be used only inside table with one row.';
sCreatingReport = 'Creating of report...';
sCreatingReportErr = 'Error during creating of report.';
sFileGeneration = 'Generation of file %s...';
sPDFWaitAgainQ = 'Output file is not generated yet. Do you want to still wait?';
sPDFConfiguration = 'PDF printer configuration...';
sPDFConfigurationErr = 'Error during PDF printer configuration.';
sDeleteOldFileErr = 'Output file %s already exists and cannot be overwritten.';
sMSWordNotFound = 'MSWord application not found.';
sMSWordError = 'MSWord application error.';
sMSExcelNotFound = 'MSExcel application not found.';
sMSExcelError = 'MSExcel application error.';
sMSExcelRunningToClose = 'Creted MSExcel application will be closed and file was changed. Save changes?';
sPMSum = 'Sum = %sum';
sPMMin = 'Min = %min';
sPMMax = 'Max = %max';
sPMAvg = 'Avg = %avg';
sPMCountVal = 'Count of values = %CountVal';
sPMCountNull = 'Count of empty = %CountNull';
sPMCountAll = 'Count of all = %CountAll';
sPMDistinctValues = 'Distinct values = %DistinctValues';
sSelectAllRecords = 'Select all records';
sDeselectAllRecords = 'Deselect all records';
sReverseSelection = 'Reverse selection';
sDeleteSelectedRecords = 'Delete selected records';
sNoRecordsSelected = 'No record selected.';
sSelectedNumRecContinueQ = 'There was already selected %d records, continue?';
sCellParamsCondErr='Invalid condition for field %s. Condition will be deactivated.';
sCellParamsCondStart='start by';
sCellParamsCondNotStart='not start by';
sCellParamsCondNotContain='not contain';
sFilterSelectAll = '(select all)';
sFilterNullValue = '(empty)';
sIndicatorColumnName = '- Row header -';
sFiltered = 'Filtered';
sFilterResetHint = 'Ctrl+Left to reset';
sFilterSetHint = 'Ctrl+Right to filter';
sFilterClear = 'Clear current filter';
sPictureEmpty = '(empty)';
sPictureCorrupted = '(corrupted)';
sSaveInJPEGFormat = 'Store in JPG format';
sPictureResize = 'Change resolution';
sResizeRatioQ = 'Requested size in percentage (1% - 500%):';
sZoomAutoFit = 'Zoom - to window';
sZoomIn = 'Zoom in';
sZoomOut = 'Zoom out';
sZoom = 'Zoom';
sShowPicEdit = 'Edit in new window (brightness, contrast)';
sPicConvert = 'Convert...';
sPicConvertJPG1 = 'current record to JPG';
sPicConvertBMP1 = 'current record to BMP';
sPicConvertJPGAll = 'all records to JPG';
sPicConvertBMPAll = 'all records to BMP';
sPicConvertAllQ = 'This action change format of this field for all records in table.';
sPicConvertProcess = 'Converting...';
sBlobOpen = 'Open';
sBlobLoad = 'Load';
sBlobSave = 'Save';
sBlobClear = 'Clear';
sBlobRename = 'Change filename';
sBlobChangeExtQ = 'Do you want to change file type (extension)? This change can affect readibility of the file.';
sBlobFileOverLimitQ = 'Size of selected file (%f MB) exceed set limit (%f MB).';
sFormatInfo = 'Format selected text';
sFormatBold = 'Bold';
sFormatItalic = 'Italic';
sFormatUnderline = 'Underline';
sFormatAsUnnumberedList='Unnumbered list';
sFormatAsNumberedList='Numbered list';
sFormatNewPage = 'Insert end of page';
sFormatNewLine2 = 'Insert end of line';
sFormatNewLineAuto='Insert end of all lines';
sFormatHorLine = 'Insert horizontal line';
sFormatHTMLLink = 'Insert HTML link';
sFormatClear = 'Clear all formats';
sEditInfo = 'Show in window';
sFont = 'Font';
sFormatStrikeOut = 'Strike out';
sFontSmaller = 'Smaller';
sFontBigger = 'Bigger';
sFontColor = 'Font color';
sParagraph = 'Paragraph';
sIndentDecrease = 'Decrease indent';
sIndentIncrease = 'Increase indent';
sTextAlignLeft = 'Align text to left';
sTextAlignRight = 'Align text to right';
sTextAlignCenter = 'Align text center';
sBulletPoints = 'Bullet points . . .';
sBulletNumbers = 'Bullets 1, 2, 3';
sBulletLetters = 'Bullets a, b, c';
sConfirmChanges = 'Confirm changes';
sCancelChanges = 'Cancel changes';
mnDelRow = 'Delete row';
mnMoveUpRow = 'Move row up';
mnMoveDownRow = 'Move row down';
mnCopyCell = 'Copy cell';
mnPasteCell = 'Paste cell';
mnCopyTable = 'Copy whole table';
mnPasteTable = 'Paste whole table';
mnAppendTable = 'Add whole table';
mnClearTable = 'Clear table';
mnSelectRow = 'Select row';
mnSelectAll = 'Select all rows';
mnSelectCol = 'Select column';
mnSelectCell = 'Select cell';
mnDeselectAll = 'Cancel selection';
sPrintToomuchCols = 'Data to print is too wide, unselect some columns or select smaller font size.';
sPrintRecCount='Total count of records: %d';
sPrintPreviewLimit = 'Preview is limited to 60 pages.';
sBatchUpdatedRecNum = 'Number of edited records: %d';
sColorBlack = 'Black';
sColorBlackLoc = 'Black';
sColorMaroon = 'Maroon';
sColorMaroonLoc = 'Maroon';
sColorGreen = 'Green';
sColorGreenLoc = 'Green';
sColorOlive = 'Olive';
sColorOliveLoc = 'Olive';
sColorNavy = 'Navy';
sColorNavyLoc = 'Navy';
sColorPurple = 'Purple';
sColorPurpleLoc = 'Purple';
sColorTeal = 'Teal';
sColorTealLoc = 'Teal';
sColorGray = 'Gray';
sColorGrayLoc = 'Gray';
sColorSilver = 'Silver';
sColorSilverLoc = 'Silver';
sColorRed = 'Red';
sColorRedLoc = 'Red';
sColorLime = 'Lime';
sColorLimeLoc = 'Lime';
sColorYellow = 'Yellow';
sColorYellowLoc = 'Yellow';
sColorBlue = 'Blue';
sColorBlueLoc = 'Blue';
sColorFuchsia = 'Fuchsia';
sColorFuchsiaLoc = 'Fuchsia';
sColorAqua = 'Aqua';
sColorAquaLoc = 'Aqua';
sColorWhite = 'White';
sColorWhiteLoc = 'White';
sColorMoneyGreen = 'MoneyGreen';
sColorMoneyGreenLoc = 'Money Green';
sColorSkyBlue = 'SkyBlue';
sColorSkyBlueLoc = 'Sky Blue';
sColorCream = 'Cream';
sColorCreamLoc = 'Cream';
sColorMedGray = 'MedGray';
sColorMedGrayLoc = 'Med Gray';
sColorCustom = 'Custom...';
sColorCustomLoc = 'Custom...';



sInitialize = 'Initializing';
sBrowsing = 'Browsing';
sEditing = 'Editing';
sInserting = 'Inserting';
sLoading = 'Loading';
sCreating = 'Creating';
sPrinting = 'Printing';
sExporting = 'Exporting';
sLookingFor = 'Searching...';
sWaiting = 'Waiting';
sChecking = 'Checking';
sImporting = 'Importing';
sOfData = ' of data...';
sContinueQ = 'Continue?';
sTerminateQ = 'Terminate?';
sCancelQ = 'Cancel?';
sDeleteQ = 'Delete?';
sOverwriteQ = 'Overwrite?';
sTryAgainQ = 'Try again?';
sSetDefaultValues = 'Reset to default properties?';
sSaveChangesQ = 'Save changes?';
sUseChangesQ = 'Use changes?';
sUseFilterQ = 'Use selected filter?';
sFile = 'File "%s".';
sFileNotFound = 'File "%s" not found.';
sDirNotFound = 'Directory "%s" not found.';
sFileExist = 'File "%s" already exists.';
sDirExist = 'Directory "%s" already exists.';
sFileSaved = 'File "%s" was saved.';
sFileOpenQ = 'Open file "%s"?';
sOpenOtherFileQ = 'Open another file?';
sOpenLastFileQ = 'Open original file?';
sMakeDirErr = 'Cannot create targer directory "%s".';
sFilePrintErr = 'Cannot print file "%s".';
sFileOpenErr = 'Cannot open file "%s".';
sFileOpenErr2 = 'File not exist (probably).';
sFileSaveErr = 'Error during saving file "%s".';
sFileSaveErr2 = 'You do not have access rights, target directory' + ' does not exist or target file is already opened in other application.';
sDLLNotFound = 'Dynamic library "%s" not found or corrupted.';
sFileTypeAll = 'All files (*.*)|*.*';
sFileTypeTXT = 'Text file (*.txt)|*.txt';
sFileTypeSLK = 'Symbolic connection file (*.slk)|*.slk';
sFileTypeRTF = 'Rich text format (*.rtf)|*.rtf';
sFileTypeDOC = 'MSWord document (*.doc)|*.doc';
sFileTypeDOCX = 'MSWord document (*.docx)|*.docx';
sFileTypeODT = 'Open document format (*.odt)|*.odt';
sFileTypeXLS = 'Excel file (*.xls*)|*.xls*';
sFileTypeMDB = 'Database MS Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb';
sFileTypeACCDB = 'Database MS Access (*.accdb)|*.accdb';
sFileTypeSQL = 'SQL command (*.sql)|*.sql';
sFileTypeDBF = 'dBase file (*.dbf)|*.dbf';
sFileTypePDF = 'PDF file (*.pdf)|*.pdf';
sFileTypeBMP = 'Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp';
sFileTypeJPG = 'Jpeg files (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg';
sFileTypePNG = 'PNG files (*.png)|*.png';
sFileTypeBMPJPG = 'Graphics formats (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg';
sFileTypeBMPJPGPNG = 'Graphics formats (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png';
sErrorDescription = 'Error description:';
sRuntimeErr = 'Runtime error.';
sRaiseErr = 'Unexpected error. Close application and run again.';
sInputErr = 'Error in input parameters.';
sFormatNumberErr = 'Bad number format.';
sFormatDateErr = 'Bad date format.';
sFormatYearErr = 'Bad year format.';
sDateIntervalErr = 'Bad format of date period.';
sExpressionErr = 'Error in expression.';
sPictureErr = 'Bad picture format.';
sAborted = 'Action aborted.';
sTerminate = 'Program will terminate.';
sNotRegist = 'Program is not registered.';
sNotImplement = 'This action is not implemented yet.';
sNotSupported = 'This function is not supported.';
sVersion = 'Version';
sAllOK = 'All OK.';
sYes = 'Yes';
sNo = 'No';
sOK = 'Ok';
sCancel = 'Cancel';
sWrongPsw = 'Wrong password.';
sMailErr = 'E-mail sending error.';
sMailGenInfo = 'Generation of e-mail...';
sConnecting = 'Connecting to database...';
sLogging = 'Logging to database...';
sInactive = 'Inactive';
sRecord = 'record';
sNumRecords = '%d records';
sSelRecords = 'Selected %d records.';
sDelRecordQ = 'Delete selected record?';
sDelMultipleRecordQ = 'Delete all selected records?';
sConnectDataErr = 'Connection to database "%s" failed.';
sCreateDataErr = 'Error: Cannot create data.';
sOpenDataErr = 'Error: Cannot open data.';
sReadDataErr = 'Error: Cannot read data.';
sSaveDataErr = 'Error: Cannot save data.';
sCompressDataErr = 'Error: Cannot compress data.';
sExportDataErr = 'Error: Cannot export data.';
sImportDataErr = 'Error: Cannot import data.';
sDecodeDataErr = 'Cannot decode data.';
sSaveRecordErr = 'Error: Cannot save record.';
sOpenTableErr = 'Error: Cannot open table "%s".';
sEditRecordErr = 'Error: Cannot edit record.';
sSortDataErr = 'Error: Sorting of data.';
sNoSavedItems = 'no saved items';
sInputItemName = 'Name of saved item:';
sNotFound = 'Not found';
sFound = 'Found';
sFilterName = 'Filter name';
sFilterString = 'Filter condition';
sEndEditing = 'Finish editing of record.';
sInformation = 'Information';
sQuestion = 'Question';
sWarning = 'Warning';
sInput = 'Input';
sError = 'Error';
sBtOk = '&Ok';
sBtYes = '&Yes';
sBtNo = '&No';
sBtCancel = '&Cancel';
sCut = 'Cut';
sCopy = 'Copy';
sPaste = 'Paste';
sDelete = 'Delete';
sUndo = 'Undo';
sSelectAll = 'Select all';
sSaveToFile = 'Save to file...';
sLoadFromFile = 'Load from file...';
sFind = 'Find';
sFindNext = 'Find next';
sChangeFont = 'Change font';
sAbort = 'Abort';
sWordWrap = 'Word wrap';
sReport = 'Report';
sTemplateFormatErr = 'Bad format of template file.';
sPrinterNotFound = 'Printer "%s" not found.';
sTemplateBracketErr = 'Bracket error in function: "%s".';
sTemplateFieldErr = 'Calculation error in database field "%s".';
sTemplateDatasetErr = 'Incorrect dataset "%s", (A..Z allowed)';
sTemplateTagNotFoundErr = '"%s" not found.';
sTemplateCalculationErr = 'Calculation error in function "%s".';
sTemplateIncorrectTag = 'Incorrect tag "%s".';
sTemplateInsertTableErr = 'Tag "%s" can be used only inside table with one row.';
sCreatingReport = 'Creating of report...';
sCreatingReportErr = 'Error during creating of report.';
sFileGeneration = 'Generation of file %s...';
sPDFWaitAgainQ = 'Output file is not generated yet. Do you want to still wait?';
sPDFConfiguration = 'PDF printer configuration...';
sPDFConfigurationErr = 'Error during PDF printer configuration.';
sDeleteOldFileErr = 'Output file %s already exists and cannot be overwritten.';
sMSWordNotFound = 'MSWord application not found.';


sMSWordError = 'MSWord application error.';
sMSExcelNotFound = 'MSExcel application not found.';
sMSExcelError = 'MSExcel application error.';
sMSExcelRunningToClose = 'Creted MSExcel application will be closed and file was changed. Save changes?';
sPMSum = 'Sum = %sum';
sPMMin = 'Min = %min';
sPMMax = 'Max = %max';
sPMAvg = 'Avg = %avg';
sPMCountVal = 'Count of values = %CountVal';
sPMCountNull = 'Count of empty = %CountNull';
sPMCountAll = 'Count of all = %CountAll';
sPMDistinctValues = 'Distinct values = %DistinctValues';
sSelectAllRecords = 'Select all records';
sDeselectAllRecords = 'Deselect all records';
sReverseSelection = 'Reverse selection';
sDeleteSelectedRecords = 'Delete selected records';
sNoRecordsSelected = 'No record selected.';
sSelectedNumRecContinueQ = 'There was already selected %d records, continue?';
sCellParamsCondErr='Invalid condition for field %s. Condition will be deactivated.';
sCellParamsCondStart='start by';
sCellParamsCondNotStart='not start by';
sCellParamsCondNotContain='not contain';
sFilterSelectAll = '(select all)';
sFilterNullValue = '(empty)';
sIndicatorColumnName = '- Row header -';
sFiltered = 'Filtered';
sFilterResetHint = 'Ctrl+Left to reset';
sFilterSetHint = 'Ctrl+Right to filter';
sFilterClear = 'Clear current filter';
sPictureEmpty = '(empty)';
sPictureCorrupted = '(corrupted)';
sSaveInJPEGFormat = 'Store in JPG format';
sPictureResize = 'Change resolution';
sResizeRatioQ = 'Requested size in percentage (1% - 500%):';
sZoomAutoFit = 'Zoom - to window';
sZoomIn = 'Zoom in';
sZoomOut = 'Zoom out';
sZoom = 'Zoom';
sShowPicEdit = 'Edit in new window (brightness, contrast)';
sPicConvert = 'Convert...';
sPicConvertJPG1 = 'current record to JPG';
sPicConvertBMP1 = 'current record to BMP';
sPicConvertJPGAll = 'all records to JPG';
sPicConvertBMPAll = 'all records to BMP';
sPicConvertAllQ = 'This action change format of this field for all records in table.';
sPicConvertProcess = 'Converting...';
sBlobOpen = 'Open';
sBlobLoad = 'Load';
sBlobSave = 'Save';
sBlobClear = 'Clear';
sBlobRename = 'Change filename';
sBlobChangeExtQ = 'Do you want to change file type (extension)? This change can affect readibility of the file.';
sBlobFileOverLimitQ = 'Size of selected file (%f MB) exceed set limit (%f MB).';
sFormatInfo = 'Format selected text';
sFormatBold = 'Bold';
sFormatItalic = 'Italic';
sFormatUnderline = 'Underline';
sFormatAsUnnumberedList='Unnumbered list';
sFormatAsNumberedList='Numbered list';
sFormatNewPage = 'Insert end of page';
sFormatNewLine2 = 'Insert end of line';
sFormatNewLineAuto='Insert end of all lines';
sFormatHorLine = 'Insert horizontal line';
sFormatHTMLLink = 'Insert HTML link';
sFormatClear = 'Clear all formats';
sEditInfo = 'Show in window';
sFont = 'Font';

added Dec2020

sFormatStrikeOut = 'Strike out';
sFontSmaller = 'Smaller';
sFontBigger = 'Bigger';
sFontColor = 'Font color';
sParagraph = 'Paragraph';
sIndentDecrease = 'Decrease indent';
sIndentIncrease = 'Increase indent';
sTextAlignLeft = 'Align text to left';
sTextAlignRight = 'Align text to right';
sTextAlignCenter = 'Align text center';
sBulletPoints = 'Bullet points . . .';
sBulletNumbers = 'Bullets 1, 2, 3';
sBulletLetters = 'Bullets a, b, c';
sConfirmChanges = 'Confirm changes';
sCancelChanges = 'Cancel changes';
mnDelRow = 'Delete row';
mnMoveUpRow = 'Move row up';
mnMoveDownRow = 'Move row down';
mnCopyCell = 'Copy cell';
mnPasteCell = 'Paste cell';
mnCopyTable = 'Copy whole table';
mnPasteTable = 'Paste whole table';
mnAppendTable = 'Add whole table';
mnClearTable = 'Clear table';
mnSelectRow = 'Select row';
mnSelectAll = 'Select all rows';
mnSelectCol = 'Select column';
mnSelectCell = 'Select cell';
mnDeselectAll = 'Cancel selection';
sPrintToomuchCols = 'Data to print is too wide, unselect some columns or select smaller font size.';
sPrintRecCount='Total count of records: %d';
sPrintPreviewLimit = 'Preview is limited to 60 pages.';
sBatchUpdatedRecNum = 'Number of edited records: %d';
sColorBlack = 'Black';
sColorBlackLoc = 'Black';
sColorMaroon = 'Maroon';
sColorMaroonLoc = 'Maroon';
sColorGreen = 'Green';
sColorGreenLoc = 'Green';
sColorOlive = 'Olive';
sColorOliveLoc = 'Olive';
sColorNavy = 'Navy';
sColorNavyLoc = 'Navy';
sColorPurple = 'Purple';
sColorPurpleLoc = 'Purple';
sColorTeal = 'Teal';
sColorTealLoc = 'Teal';
sColorGray = 'Gray';
sColorGrayLoc = 'Gray';
sColorSilver = 'Silver';
sColorSilverLoc = 'Silver';
sColorRed = 'Red';
sColorRedLoc = 'Red';
sColorLime = 'Lime';
sColorLimeLoc = 'Lime';
sColorYellow = 'Yellow';
sColorYellowLoc = 'Yellow';
sColorBlue = 'Blue';
sColorBlueLoc = 'Blue';
sColorFuchsia = 'Fuchsia';
sColorFuchsiaLoc = 'Fuchsia';
sColorAqua = 'Aqua';
sColorAquaLoc = 'Aqua';
sColorWhite = 'White';
sColorWhiteLoc = 'White';
sColorMoneyGreen = 'MoneyGreen';
sColorMoneyGreenLoc = 'Money Green';
sColorSkyBlue = 'SkyBlue';
sColorSkyBlueLoc = 'Sky Blue';
sColorCream = 'Cream';
sColorCreamLoc = 'Cream';
sColorMedGray = 'MedGray';
sColorMedGrayLoc = 'Med Gray';
sColorCustom = 'Custom...';
sColorCustomLoc = 'Custom...';



Apr 2006

Last Modified

Nov 2021

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.