All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Unit Description
ErHTMLHintError rHintWindow

HintWindow exception class used by TrHTMLHint

TAnchorInfo RosiCompGlobalCfg

define class for storing information of one anchor, used by rHTMLLabel and rHTMLDrawText

TAppDirCfg AppDirCfg

TAppDirCfg is non visual component which provides functionality for automatic loading and processing of txt configuration file.

TAsBarcode AsBarcode

TAsBarcode draw barcode graphics to any canvas

TAutoResizeChild rImprovedComps

subcomponent for autosize functionality of child components used by TrGroupBox; 1/ TrGroupBox child controls are resized according AutoResizePos properties of child control; 2/ other child controls are resized according AutoResizeChild.ChildCompsPos property

TAutoResizePos rImprovedComps

subcomponent for autosize functionality for the TrGroupBox inside parent TrGroupBox; parent AutoResizeChild property define columns and rows matrix, AutoResizePos properties define possition of child rGroupBox

TBCdata AsBarCode_interface

record for definition of one BarCode type

TBoundButtonedEdit rDBComponents

TButtonedEdit subcomponent used by TrDBCheckListBox

TBoundButtons rDBComponents

subcomponent used by TrDBImage for showing of supplementary buttons

TBoundDBMemo rDBMemoGrid

bound TrDBMemo used by TrDBMemoGrid

TBoundLabel rDBComponents

TrHTMLLabel or TLabel subcomponent, show additional user defined text in some db component

TBoundLabel rImprovedComps

Label subcomponent used by other components

TBoundListBox rDBComponents

TListBox subcomponent used by other TrDBMemoCB

TBoundSpeedButton rDBComponents

SpeedButton subcomponent used by some components for showing of supplementary buttons

TCalcField RTFReport2

Object contain calculated value for each field, used by TRTFReport2

TCalcField rXMLReport

Object contain calculated value for each field

TCellParamsCond rDBGrid

define object for storing of one condition for cell highlighting used by TrDBGrid

TCellParamsCondList rDBGrid

define list of conditions for cell highlighting used by TrDBGrid

TCheckBoxOnly rDBComponents

checkbox subcomponent used by TrDBTimePicker

TCheckItem rDBComponents

class to store one item in TrDBCheckListBox

TCheckItemList rDBComponents

class to store list of TCheckItem in TrDBCheckListBox

TChildBtn rDBComponents

Button subcomponent used by rDBBlob

TChildLabel rDBComponents

TLabel subcomponent used by TrDBBlob

TColorDefMap rpictool

record type for one color definition

TColorScaleSetting rXLSExport

setting for ColorScale used by TrXLSExport event

TColumnStoredProp rDBGrid

record definition for storing of default column width and actual filter

TCustomGridHelper rStringGridEd


TCustomPropSave PropSaveMain

Basic component which provides all functions for re/storing of properties; all PropSave components must be inherited from TCustomPropSave

TDatabarSetting rXLSExport

setting for Databar used by TrXLSExport event

TDataImageDef rDBGrid

data image record used by rDBGrid

TDataImageDef rStringGridEd

data image record used by TrStringGridEd and TrDBGrid

TDataItemDef rDBTreeView

DataItemDefinition object - define titletext, recordtext and properties for one datasource used by TrDBTreeView

TDataItemDefs rDBTreeView

DataItemDefinition collection - define collection of TDataItemDef used by TrDBTreeView

TDBBoundLabel rDBComponents

TLabel subcomponent used by rDBComponents as field caption

TDBGridsPropSave PropSaveGrids

provides re/storing properties of TDBGrid & TDataset components

TDBTrackSource_DTEditForm DBTrackSource_DTEdit

design time dialog used by TTrackRecSource component to easily set its properties

TDBTrackTarget_DTEditForm DBTrackTarget_DTEdit

design time dialog used by TTrackRecTarget component to easily set its properties

TDisplayedItems rImprovedComps

dropdown items properties used for TrComboBoxEx and TrDBComboBox

TDistinctValues rDBGrid

define record for distinct values for TSummaryResults

TEditDate RosiCompD6_Compability

old name of TrEditDate (for backward compability only)

TEditNum RosiCompD6_Compability

old name of TrEditNum (for backward compability only)

TFixedColText rDBGrid

define object for setting of text in fixed column for TrDBGrid

TFooterRow rDBGrid

define object for setting of summary footer row used by TrDBGrid

TFormatLabel RosiCompD6_Compability

old name of TrHTMLLabel (for backward compability only)

TGeneralEventRec rDBGrid

general event record used as parameter for TGeneralEvent

TGeneralEventRec rStringGridEd

general event record used as parameter for TGeneralEventType

TGridLookStyleDef RosiCompGlobalCfg

define record for one GridLook style

TGridsPropSave PropSaveGrids

provides re/storing properties of TStringGrid components

TGroupInfo rDBGrid

define record for grouped field used by TrDBGrid

THackCustomDBGrid rDBRecView


THackCustomDBGrid rXLSExport


THackCustomDBGrid SLKExport


THackCustomDBGrid TXTExport


THackCustomTreeView rXLSExport


THackCustomTreeView SLKExport


THackCustomTreeView TXTExport


TIconSetSetting rXLSExport

setting for IconSet used by TrXLSExport event

TItemOptionsEx rHTMLListView

class for new Items design properties (size, colors, position) used by TrHTMLListView

TMemIniFileEx PropSaveMain

Enhanced TMemIniFile which provides compression of file

TMultiRowsOptions rDBStringGridEd

setting for multirow general options

TNodeObject rDBTreeView

NodeObject datastructure stored dataset and visual information for each node used by TrDBTreeView

TOptionsAppearance rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid appearance, part of TOptionsEx2

TOptionsCellCondition rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid cell condition, part of TOptionsEx2

TOptionsEditors rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid editors, part of TOptionsEx2

TOptionsEx2 rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid new functions, replacement of previous TOptionsEx

TOptionsFilters rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid filters, part of TOptionsEx2

TOptionsFixedCell rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid fixed cells, part of TOptionsEx2

TOptionsGroups rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid groups, part of TOptionsEx2

TOptionsHighlightText rDBGrid

setting for TrDBGrid text highlighting, part of TOptionsEx2

TPositionPropSave PropSaveMain

provides re/storing of position of TControl descendand components

TPropSaveCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for PropSave global configuration

TPropSaveFile PropSaveMain

Non visual component which provides loading and saving of TMemIniFileEx file, it centralize data of all used TPropSaveMain components which uses it as interface to ini data

TPropSaveMain PropSaveMain

Main component which provides hook functions and re/stores standard components.

TPropSave_DTEditForm PropSave_DTEdit

design time dialog used by PropSaveMain component

TrAbZipObject rzipAbbrevia_interface

Provides ZIP functions for library model or for rzip_interface unit

TrBookmarkList rDBGrid_MS

class to store list of selected records

TrButton rImprovedComps

enhanced TButton with ImagesDisabled property which is used for disable state of button instead of DisableImageIndex

TrCategoryPanelEx rImprovedComps

fix the bug with subcomponents saved into DFM

TrCategoryPanelGroupEx rImprovedComps

fix the bug with subcomponents saved into DFM

TrCheckListBox rImprovedComps

enhanced TCheckListBox with high DPI bug fix

TrCheckTreeView rImprovedComps

enhanced TTreeView component which provides checkboxes and child/parent node auto check functions

TrColorBox rImprovedComps

enhanced TColorBox with high DPI bug fix

TrColorListBox rImprovedComps

enhanced TColorListBox with high DPI bug fix

TrComboBoxEx rImprovedComps

enhanced TComboBox component which provides additional item properties and automatic setting of dropdown listbox width according length of items text

TrComboBoxExFilter rDBGrid

special extension of TrComboBoxEx for using in filter bar

TrCustomGlyphs RosiCompGlobalCfg

non visual components witch define custom glyphs for Rosi components

TrDataBar rStringGridEd

DataBar class used by TrStringGridEdColumn

TrDBBlob rDBComponents

DB component for working with Blob fields, contains function for loading, saving and opening of any content in blob

TrDBCheckBox rDBComponents

enhanced TDBCheckBox providing readonly color and caption loaded from selected field

TrDBCheckListBox rDBComponents

DB version of TCheckListBox for n:m relationship

TrDBCheckListBoxEx rDBComponents

enhanced TrDBCheckListBox component for n:m relationship which provides links to ListDataSource and ValueDataSource for automatic work with checklistbox

TrDBColorLinkedComp rDBColorLinkedComp

non visual component which set font and background color of db avare components according rDBGrid colors for selected record and field

TrDBComboBox rDBComponents

enhanced TDBComboBox with bound label

TrDBComponentsCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBcomponents global configuration

TrDBCtrlGridEx rDBCtrlGridEx

modified TDBCtrlGrid with some new function, ready for displaying inside of ScrollBox with smooth scrolling, scrollbar can be disabled, new function for drawing in panel is added

TrDBDateTimePicker rDBComponents

DB version of TDateTimePicker with bound label and null value checkbox

TrDBEdit rDBComponents

enhanced TDBEdit with bound label and left + right edit button

TrDBEditButton rDBComponents

internal button subcomponent used by TrDBEdit

TrDBEditDate rDBComponents

enhanced TrDBEdit allows fast entering of the date value by keyboard or by Month calendar; supported input formats - dd, dd/mm, dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy shortcuts - arrows Up/Down (optionaly Ctrl+Shift) to move date/month/year t = today, s = start of month, e = end of month, d,p = dropdown month calendar (if right button is visible)

TrDBExportCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBExport global configuration

TrDBFieldDefaultsCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for db fields global configuration

TrDBFieldsCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBFields global configuration

TrDBFilterCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBFilter global configuration

TrDBFindCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBFind global configuration

TrDBGrid rDBGrid

enhanced TDBGrid component which provides many new functions (show checkboxes, glyph for graphics and memo fields, build-in editors, pictures in title row or in data cells, multiple line titles, sorting functions etc)

TrDBGridCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBGrid global configuration

TrDBGridCustomSorter rDBGrid

define base Sorter component for dataset sorting; must be used as based class for any other dataset sorter

TrDBGridFilterCondForm rDBGrid_FilterCondForm

form shows possible filter conditions for selected field type and allows selection of filtered values or range

TrDBGridFilterForm rDBGrid_FilterForm

form shows list of field values from TrDBGrid dataset and allows selection of filtered values

TrDBGridGraphicForm rDBGrid_GraphicForm

form shows content of any graphic fields inside of TrDBGrid with BMP, JPG and PNG support

TrDBGridInplaceEditEx rDBGrid

define inplace editor used by TrDBGrid

TrDBGridMemoForm rDBGrid_MemoForm

form shows content of memo or long string fields inside of TrDBGrid

TrDBGridPropsCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBGridProps global configuration

TrDBGridSorter_AbsDB rDBGridSorter_AbsDB

sorter for TABSTable used by rDBGrid to sort ABS datasets

TrDBGridSorter_ADO rDBGridSorter_ADO

Sorter for TCustomADODataSet - used by rDBGrid to sort ADO datasets

TrDBGridSorter_ADONis rDBGridSorter_ADONis

sorter for TWCustomADODataSet used by rDBGrid to sort ADONis datasets

TrDBGridSorter_ClientDS rDBGridSorter_ClientDS

Sorter for TCustomClientDataSet - used by rDBGrid to sort any Client datasets

TrDBGridSorter_DBISAM rDBGridSorter_DBISAM

sorter for TDBISAMTable used by rDBGrid to sort DBISAM datasets

TrDBGridSorter_DBX rDBGridSorter_DBX

Sorter for TSimpleDataSet - used by rDBGrid to sort DBX datasets

TrDBGridSorter_ElevateDB rDBGridSorter_ElevateDB

sorter for TEDBTable used by rDBGrid to sort Elevate datasets

TrDBGridSorter_FireDac rDBGridSorter_FireDac

Sorter for TFDDataSet - used by rDBGrid to sort FireDac datasets

TrDBGridSorter_MySqlDac rDBGridSorter_MySqlDac

sorter for TMySQLDataset used by rDBGrid to sort TMySQLDataset datasets

TrDBGridSorter_UniDAC rDBGridSorter_UniDAC

sorter for TMemDataSet used by rDBGrid to sort UniDac datasets

TrDBGridSorter_Zeos rDBGridSorter_Zeos

sorter for TZAbstractDataSet used by rDBGrid to sort ZEOS datasets

TrDBGridsPropSave PropSaveGrids

provides re/storing properties of TrDBGrid, TrDBGrid_MS & TrDBRecView components

TrDBGrid_DTEditForm rDBGrid_DTEdit

design time dialog used by rDBGrid component

TrDBGrid_MS rDBGrid_MS

enhanced TrDBGrid component which provides multiselect function by click on fixed column with definable colors

TrDBImage rDBComponents

DB version of TrImageZoom, provides zoom function with scrollbars and drag and move function

TrDBLabel rDBComponents

DBVersion of TLabel, show db text from selected field as caption

TrDBListBox rDBComponents

enhanced TDBListBox with bound label

TrDBLookupComboBox rDBComponents

enhanced TDBLookupComboBox with bound label

TrDBLookupComboBoxHelper rDBComponents

helper for TDBLookupComboBox to access TPopupDataList

TrDBLookupListBox rDBComponents

enhanced TDBLookupListBox with bound label

TrDBMemo rDBComponents

enhanced TDBMemo with bound label

TrDBMemoCB rDBComponents

enhanced TrDBMemo with combobox function

TrDBMemoEx rDBComponents

enhanced TrDBMemo component which provides highlighting of words in text according list of words or highlighting of text between start and stop tag, contain Format and Edit buttons with menu and user defined text in header

TrDBMemoGrid rDBMemoGrid

enhanced TrStringGridEd component which provides function for editing content of db memo field in grid form

TrDBMoveButton rDBComponents

Button which provides mooving and editing actions for linked dataset, enability of button is automaticaly set according ButtonType and Dataset state

TrDBPrintCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBPrint global configuration

TrDBPrintDirectCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBPrintDirect global configuration

TrDBRecordSelection rDBComponents

DB Combobox for showing and selecting of active record, show active record and drop down show list of all records with possibility to select active record

TrDBRecView rDBRecView

Enhanced TCustomDrawGrid component which provides functionality for displaying and editing of one dataset record.

TrDBRecView_DTEditForm rDBRecView_DTEdit

design time dialog used by rDBRecView component

TrDBSortCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rDBSort global configuration

TrDBStringGridEd rDBStringGridEd

enhanced TrStringGridEd component which provides functions for batch loading and saving data from/to dataset.

TrDBStringGridEdMultiRow rDBStringGridEd

collection item containing all multirows properties

TrDBStringGridEdMultiRows rDBStringGridEd

collection of TrDBStringGridEdMultiRow used by TrStringGridEd

TrDBToolButton rDBComponents

ToolButton which provides mooving and editing actions for linked dataset, enability of button is automaticaly set according ButtonType and Dataset state

TrDBToolCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for DBTool global configuration

TrDBTreeView rDBTreeView

database version of standard TTreeView component which provides function for loading datasets values to tree structure.

TrDlgBaseForm rdlg_baseform

base form used as ancestor for all others dialog

TrEditDate rImprovedComps

enhanced TButtonedEdit allows fast entering of the date value by keyboard or by Month calendar; supported input formats - dd, dd/mm, dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy shortcuts - arrows Up/Down (optionaly Ctrl+Shift) to move date/month/year t = today, s = start of month, e = end of month, d,p = dropdown month calendar (if right button is visible)

TrEditNum rImprovedComps

enhanced TButtonedEdit component which provides functionality for editing of integer or float number

TReportException RosiCompGlobalCfg

Report exception class

TrGlyphsRec RosiCompGlobalCfg

global record which contain and return needed glyph from Global or Custom glyph component

TrGroupBox rImprovedComps

enhanced TGroupBox which provides new type of groupbox with following functions: - headline caption with definable colors and possition; - 4 types of frames with definable colors; - min max buttons with automatical and animated functions; - gradient background or background image; - support dropping of files to box; - support automatic resizing of children components

TrGroupBoxCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for rGroupBox global configuration

TrGroupBox_DTEditForm rGroupBox_DTEdit

design time dialog used by PropSaveMain component

TrHTMLHint rHintWindow

non visual component which define HTML Hint window properties, placed on Main form activate new HTML hint window

TrHTMLLabel rHTMLLabel

enhanced TLabel component which provides functionality for displaying caption with more font styles and colors according HTML tags in caption string

TrHTMLListItem rHTMLListView

new extended ListView Item object used by TrHTMLListView

TrHTMLListView rHTMLListView

enhanced TCustomListView component which supports definable size of items and icons, background colors and fonts, HTML labels.

TrImageEditForm rImageEdit

universal dialog which can show and zoom picture in independend window and provide function for editing of brightness and contrast

TrImageEx rImprovedComps

enhanced TImage supporting label and drawing of shapes

TrImageListEx rImprovedComps

enhanced TImageList component which provides storing of images in external compressed resource file in design and runtime and can block storing images in DFM file for descendant modules, so list can be used in ihnerited forms

TrImageZoom rImageZoom

TCustomControl designed as replacement of standard TPicture component providing zoom and rotate function, scrollbars, drag and move support

TrListBox rImprovedComps

enhanced TListBox with high DPI bug fix

TrMapiEmail rMapiMail

non visual components which provides all function for sending of email by MAPI interface, single or batch sending is supported

TrMemoEx rImprovedComps

enhanced TMemo component which provides highlighting of words in text according list of words or highlighting of text between start and stop tag

TrOpenDialog rDialogsEx

TOpenDialog used by all rosi components and provide setting centralization for dialogs properties

TRosiCompConfig RosiCompGlobalCfg

define global configuration record

TRosiCompsPropSave PropSaveOtherComps

provides re/storing properties of rosi components (TrGroupBox, TrImageZoom, TrMemoEx, TrDBMemoEx

TrPageControlEx rImprovedComps

enhanced TPageControl which provides colored tabs, hottrack fonts, color and border, close button in tabs, function for reading active tab caption and changing of active tab; OwnerDraw must be set to TRUE to use this functions

TrPopupDataList rDBComponents

TPopupDataList for TrDBLookupComboBox to access Paint method

TrPopupMonthCalendar rImprovedComps

Popup version of TMonthCalendar, used by TrEditDate, TrDBEditDate, TrDBGrid and TrStringGridEd

TrRichEdit rImprovedComps

enhanced TRichEdit with internal Popup menu, extended formatting, search function and support for drawing to Canvas

TrRTFParser u_rtfparser

TrRTFParser is light version of RTF format parser.

TrSaveDialog rDialogsEx

TSaveDialog used by all rosi components and provide setting centralization for dialogs properties

TrScrollBoxEx rDBCtrlGridEx

modified TScrollBox - mousewheel function added, override AutoScrollInView function, which is problematic in case of using with TDBCtrlGrid (default procedure is canceled)

TrStatusBar rImprovedComps

enhanced TStatusBar with high DPI bug fix

TrStatusBar rStringGridEd

StatusBar class used by TrStringGridEdColumn

TrStringGridEd rStringGridEd

enhanced TStringGrid component which introduce Columns property for setting and storing of properties for each column

TrStringGridEdColumn rStringGridEd

collection item containing all column properties

TrStringGridEdColumns rStringGridEd

collection of TrStringGridEdColumn used by TrStringGridEd

TrStringGridEdInplaceEdit rStringGridEd

enhanced TInplaceEdit used by TrStringGridEd

TrStringsHolder rImprovedComps

non visual component containing Strings object for editing in design time and storing in application

TrTabControlEx rImprovedComps

enhanced TTabControl which provides colored tabs, hottrack fonts, color and border, close button in tabs, function for reading active tab caption and changing of active tab; OwnerDraw must be set to TRUE to use this functions

TrTabControlExStyleHook rStyleHooks

Style hook for TrPageControlEx and TrTabControlEx

TRTFRepDlgCfg RosiCompGlobalCfg

record for RTFReportDlg global configuration

TRTFReport2 RTFReport2

non visual component which provides functionality for generating reports according prepared RTF template with special TAGs

TrTipForm rTip

"Tip of the day" dialog or OK/Cancel dialog with "Do not show next time" function

TrToolBar rImprovedComps

enhanced ToolBar with with high DPI bug fix

TrTreeNode rDBTreeView

extended class of TTreeNode contaning TNodeObject useb by TrDBTreeView

TrURLLabel rHTMLLabel

enhanced TLabel component which provides functionality for launching of any URL target

TrXLSExport rXLSExport

non visual component which provides functionality for exporting of any data directly to XLS file using OLE

TrXMLReport rXMLReport

rXMLReport is non visual component which provides functionality for generating reports according prepared DOCX or ODT template with special TAGs

Trzip_interface rzip_interface

rzip_interface contains universal interface between rXMLReport and rzip.dll or Abbrevia package according compiler swich USE_ZIPDLL

TSLKExport SLKExport

non visual component which provides functionality for exporting of database data to SLK file

TStdCtrlPropSave PropSaveMain

provides re/storing of properties of standard components

TSummaryResults rDBGrid

define record for calculated summary

TTabPropsEx rImprovedComps

subcomponent defines all props and events for TrTabControlEx and TrPageControlEx

TTitleLineText rDBGrid

define object for setting of text in the top of title row used by TrDBGrid

TTMSAdvCompPropSave PropSaveTMSGrids

descendant of TCustomPropSave component and provides re/storing of TMS Advanced component properties

TTMSColGridsPropSave PropSaveTMSGrids

descendant of TCustomPropSave component and provides re/storing of TAdvColumnGrid properties

TToolBarPropSave PropSaveOtherComps

provides re/storing properties of TToolBar component

TTrackRecSource DBTrackTool

non visual components defining tracked dataset, log is stored by related TTrackRecTarget component

TTrackRecTarget DBTrackTool

non visual component defining dataset which stores tracked records of all related TTrackRecSource components

TTXTExport TXTExport

non visual component which provides functionality for exporting of database data to StringList or TXT file

TWinXCompPropSave PropSaveWinXComps

descendant of TCustomPropSave component and provides re/storing of TAdv component properties

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