Unit rdlg

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records


rDlg form provides set of Yes/No, Ok/Cancel and input dialogs with HTML format captions, new grafics icons and buttons.

Updated version compatible with Delphi2010+.


Functions and Procedures

function DlgI(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgQ(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgQCancel(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgW(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgE(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgI2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgQ2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgQCancel2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgW2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgE2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function DlgQUserDef(const Button1, Button2, Button3: string; const Text: array of string): integer;
function ShowDlg(const DialogType: TDialogType; const ButtonsType: TButtonsType; const Params: array of Variant; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;
function InputStr(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: string): boolean;
function InputInt(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: integer): boolean;
function InputPassword(const Info: string; var Psw: string): boolean;
function ShowInput(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: string; const Width: integer; const MaskChar: Char): boolean;
function ShowInputCB(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: string; const Width: integer; const MaskChar: Char; CBItems: TStrings; ListOnly: boolean): boolean;
procedure ShowInfo(const InfoText: string; const CenterIn: TWinControl = nil);
procedure ShowInfoEx(const InfoText: string; const CenterIn: TWinControl; OnAbort: TNotifyEvent);
procedure ShowInfoProgressBar(const InfoText: string; const CenterIn: TWinControl; OnAbort: TNotifyEvent; ProgressProcent: integer);
procedure ShowErr(const Info: string; E: Exception; EndProgram: boolean = false);


TDialogType = (...);
TButtonsType = (...);


Functions and Procedures

function DlgI(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Information dialog with one html message and Ok button

function DlgQ(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Question dialog with one html message and Yes No button

function DlgQCancel(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Question dialog with one html message and Yes No Cancel button

function DlgW(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Warning dialog with one html message and Ok button

function DlgE(const InfoText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Error dialog with one html message and Ok button

function DlgI2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Information dialog with two html messages and Ok button

function DlgQ2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Question dialog with two html messages and Yes No button

function DlgQCancel2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Question dialog with two html messages and Yes No Cancel button

function DlgW2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Warning dialog with two html messages and Ok button

function DlgE2(const BoldText, NormalText: string; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show Error dialog with two html messages and Ok button

function DlgQUserDef(const Button1, Button2, Button3: string; const Text: array of string): integer;

show dialog with 2 or 3 buttons with user defined text and any number of messages

function ShowDlg(const DialogType: TDialogType; const ButtonsType: TButtonsType; const Params: array of Variant; WordWrap: boolean = true): integer;

show user defined with any number of html messages Params contain array of strings to display or helpcontext, if string begins: ˆC - this string will be used as caption of window ˆB - this string will be displayed bold; ˆI - -"- italic; ˆU - -"- underline; ˆL - -"- large font; ˆX - -"- extra large font;

function InputStr(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: string): boolean;

show input dialog for string input

function InputInt(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: integer): boolean;

show input dialog for integer input

function InputPassword(const Info: string; var Psw: string): boolean;

show input dialog for password input

function ShowInput(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: string; const Width: integer; const MaskChar: Char): boolean;

show input dialog for string input with definable width and mask char

function ShowInputCB(const Caption, Info: string; var Input: string; const Width: integer; const MaskChar: Char; CBItems: TStrings; ListOnly: boolean): boolean;

show input dialog for string input with definable width, mask char and ComboBox with items

procedure ShowInfo(const InfoText: string; const CenterIn: TWinControl = nil);

show small info window with text message and without any button or link

procedure ShowInfoEx(const InfoText: string; const CenterIn: TWinControl; OnAbort: TNotifyEvent);

show small info window with text message and Abort link

procedure ShowInfoProgressBar(const InfoText: string; const CenterIn: TWinControl; OnAbort: TNotifyEvent; ProgressProcent: integer);

show small info window with text message, progress bar and Abort link

procedure ShowErr(const Info: string; E: Exception; EndProgram: boolean = false);

show error dialog with info message and exception description text


TDialogType = (...);

list of possible dialog types used by rDlg

  • dtNone
  • dtI
  • dtQ
  • dtW
  • dtE
TButtonsType = (...);

list of possible button types used by rDlg

  • btOk
  • btOkCancel
  • btYesNo
  • btYesNoCancel
  • btYesNoUserDef
  • btYesNoCancelUserDef



Jan 2006

Last Modified

Apr 2017

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.