Delphi & C++ Builder components library
and Software development

component package Online Order

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All components support 32bit and 64bit target and are compatible with Embarcadero Delphi and C++ Builder from version 2010, XE-XE8 to the last version 12.0.
Each product contains:

  • source code, documentation and demo applications
  • single licence to one developer or site licence for unlimited number of developers in one company
  • online support by email
  • free update for one year and 50% discount for update after this period

Product Single developer licence Site licence

Advanced VCL components

  • rHTMLLabel, rURLLabel, rGroupBoxEx, rStringGridEd, rHTMLListView, rTabControlEx, rPageControlEx, rMemoEx, rComboBoxEx, rImageZoom, rButton, rImageListEx, rHTMLHint, PropSaveFile, PropSaveMain, PropSaveGrid

Price: $ 25

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Price: $ 60

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Bundle Advanced + Database VCL components

  • Advanced VCL components (see above)
  • rDBGrid, rDBGrid_MS, rDBGridSorter, rDBRecView, rDBStringGridEd, rDBTreeView, rDBLabel, rDBEdit, rDBMemoEx, rDBCheckBox, rDBComboBox, rDBLookupComboBox, rDBListBox, rDBLookupListBox, rDBCheckListBox, rDBDateTimePicker, rDBImage, rDBBlob, rDBRecordSelection, rDBMoveButton, rDBColorLinkedComp, TXTExport, SLKExport, rXLSExport, RTFReport2, rXMLReport, TrackRecTarget, TrackRecSource

Price: $ 70

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Price: $ 160

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Database Dialogs and Actions

  • prepared dialogs rDBFind, rDBSort, rDBFilter, rDBFields, rDBFieldGroups, rDBRecViewFields, rDBGridProps, rDBGridCellParams, rDBExport, rDBPrint, rDBPrintDirect
  • prepared ToolBar and PopupMenu for rDBGrid
  • Rosi Advanced + Database VCL components must be already installed to use Database Dialogs and Actions

Price: $ 25

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Price: $ 60

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Universal DB Components

  • ConnectionUDB, QueryUDB, rDBCheckBoxUDB, rDBComboBoxUDB, rDBLookupComboBoxUDB, rDBListBoxUDB, rDBLookupListBoxUDB, rDBCheckListBoxUDB, rComboBoxUDB, rListBoxUDB, CheckListBoxUDB, rDBGridSorterUDB
  • Rosi Advanced + Database VCL components must be already installed to use Universal DB Components

Price: $ 25

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Price: $ 60

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Special offer
Buy all in one and save $ 25 for single or $ 60 for site licence
Single developer licence Site licence

All Rosi Components, Dialogs and Actions package

  • Advanced VCL components
  • Database VCL components
  • Database Dialogs and Actions
  • Universal DB Components

Price: $ 95

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Price: $ 220

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Order update
Is your free update period over? Order last version and one year free update with 50% discount.
Update for Single developer licence Update for Site licence

Update of All Rosi Components, Dialogs and Actions package

  • Advanced VCL components
  • Database VCL components
  • Database Dialogs and Actions
  • Universal DB Components
This order is valid only for current customer. Please use your registered email from previous order.

Price: $ 47.50

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Price: $ 110

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