Unit rDBImport_strings

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures


rDBImport_strings is unit containing resource strings for rDBImport dialog.



sNoTableOpen = 'Select and open table with data to import.';
sNoImportFields = 'Select fields to import.';
sNoCompareFields = 'Select fields to compare for update records.';
sSourceConnectionErr = 'Source connection error. Connection string: ';
sSourceTableErr = 'Source data error. Table name: ';
sCheckData = 'Checking of data';
sCheckResult = 'Checking result: ';
sCheckResultCount = 'To import in total: %d, to add: %d, to edit: %d, to skip: %d';
sImportData = 'Import of data';
sImportResult = 'Results of import: ';
sImportResultCount = 'To import in total: %d, added: %d, edited: %d, skipped: %d, errors: %d, warnings: %d';
sNotFoundRec = 'Not found records (will be skipped or added during import)';
sLookupWarning = 'Warning: Value "%s" not found in auxilary table for field "%s".';
sImportedErrorData = 'Imported values caused error:';
sImportProcInfo = 'Record %d of %d (%d errors; %d warnings)';
sImportMoveItemsW = 'Place cursor to combobox witch should me moved as first.';
sCalcUnknownCmd = 'Unknown command "%s" in row no. %d';
sCalcUnknownField = 'Unknown field "%s" in row no. %d';
sCalcContainErrorsW = 'Calculation definition contains errors. Invalid rows will be ignored.';



sNoTableOpen = 'Select and open table with data to import.';


sNoImportFields = 'Select fields to import.';
sNoCompareFields = 'Select fields to compare for update records.';
sSourceConnectionErr = 'Source connection error. Connection string: ';
sSourceTableErr = 'Source data error. Table name: ';
sCheckData = 'Checking of data';
sCheckResult = 'Checking result: ';
sCheckResultCount = 'To import in total: %d, to add: %d, to edit: %d, to skip: %d';
sImportData = 'Import of data';
sImportResult = 'Results of import: ';
sImportResultCount = 'To import in total: %d, added: %d, edited: %d, skipped: %d, errors: %d, warnings: %d';
sNotFoundRec = 'Not found records (will be skipped or added during import)';
sLookupWarning = 'Warning: Value "%s" not found in auxilary table for field "%s".';
sImportedErrorData = 'Imported values caused error:';
sImportProcInfo = 'Record %d of %d (%d errors; %d warnings)';
sImportMoveItemsW = 'Place cursor to combobox witch should me moved as first.';
sCalcUnknownCmd = 'Unknown command "%s" in row no. %d';
sCalcUnknownField = 'Unknown field "%s" in row no. %d';
sCalcContainErrorsW = 'Calculation definition contains errors. Invalid rows will be ignored.';



Jan 2006

Last Modified

Nov 2019

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.